DeluxeMenusUploader icon

DeluxeMenusUploader -----

A plugin for automatically switching DeluxeMenus menus based on time or interval.

A plugin for automatically switching DeluxeMenus menus based on time or interval, with the ability to open a random menu via command.

Main Features

  1. Random Menu Selection: When the /quests command is entered, the plugin opens one of the random menus specified in the configuration file. The menu changes dynamically based on time or timer settings.

  2. Automatic Menu Change at Specific Time: The plugin allows automatically switching the active menu at midnight (or any other set time) with the option to configure this time in the config.yml file.

  3. Timer-Based Menu Change: Instead of a fixed time, you can use a timer to change the menu at specified intervals (e.g., every 60 minutes).

  4. Configuration Reload: Administrators can use the /mu reload command to reload the plugin's configuration without restarting the server.

  5. PlaceholderAPI Integration: The plugin supports custom placeholders to display the time until the next menu switch. This allows players to see how much time is left until the next menu update.
  • DeluxeMenus — For working with custom menus.
  • PlaceholderAPI — For displaying placeholders.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 32
First Release: Oct 3, 2024
Last Update: Oct 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings