Deluxe Motd - Support for SpigotMC, BungeeCord and Velocity! icon

Deluxe Motd - Support for SpigotMC, BungeeCord and Velocity! -----

Deluxe Motd helps to improve the design of your motd in BungeeCord, SpigotMC & Velocity!

Version: 5.4.21
Best plugin ever, and amazing dev! Updates guaranteed, fast reply and amazing support.
Author's response
Hello, thank you very much

Version: 5.3.21
Best plugin ever, and amazing dev! Updates guaranteed, fast reply and amazing support.
Author's response
Hello, thank you very much

Version: 3.2.20
I love this plugin, very functional and useful, as well as being well optimized

I highly recommend it!
Author's response
Thank you very much

Version: b-3.0.20
It overrides a lot of useful commands like /glist, /alert and a lot more. I'm using redisbungee and I run 2,000 players network server and it overrides redisbungee commands for no reason and there's no way to turn this off. It's completely ill-considered, a lot of configuration but no way to turn a few stupid settings off xd
Author's response
I had mentioned that I would add an option to deactivate it, it's only been a day and you're upset about it?

Version: 1.7.19
Muy bien plugin y un gran dev, abres ticket en discord y te ayuda dentro del server si tienes algun problema con lo que sea, solo dire que este plugin 10/10, hoy lo estuve configurando en localhost y si ningun problema tirado en consola, pronto dentro de mi server. Mil gracias Ruben por el plugin ❤️
Author's response
Muchas gracias :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 79
First Release: Oct 28, 2022
Last Update: Feb 19, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
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