- New File for Ores (Size,minY,maxY,oresPerChunk,Ore-Material and which Material can be replaced)
- You can also add your own ore-configuration if you follow the default constructions (Don't forget something to add!) - it is also important to use one-time-used names for custom ores!
- Also: You can now edit way more Stuff from Mobs -> Configration moved to an extra dictionary 'mobs'
- Each mob has now its own file -> add or remove a file to let the mob spawn or not spawn. The name of the file defines the mob-type!
- Settings for Mobs:
Health, Armor, ArmorToughness, Knockback, KnockbackResistance, Speed, Damage, Items (Hand,Offhand,Helm,Chest,Legs,Boots), min, max, spawn-weight, invisible, custom name and custom name visible.
For more Information to the Attributes like Armor or ArmorToughness:
Tell me what you think about those changes and what you miss.