DarkerNights icon

DarkerNights -----

Darker (and spookier) nights inspired by 2011 Minecraft

Version: 2.7.4
Simply drag and drop and no configuration is needed, and i miss this nostalgic dark light level in Minecraft as it makes the game a little bit more challenging during nighttime.


Version: 2.7.2
Not gonna lie I dont notice a difference with or without it... any chance for a config file in the future to adjust the night overall? I would like to make it even darker... lol
Author's response
It already sets it as dark as possible in the game client. Note though that it won't be darker in areas with light sources (e.g. torches), only in non-lit exterior areas.

Version: 2.7.2
Great plugin, does exactly as advertised! Really brings back that feeling of early Minecraft :')

Version: 2.7.0
It's not working for me? It doesn't make a config file or folder at all either, unless this is normal. I added it to my plugins and night looks the same...
Author's response
There is no configuration for the plugin. You can verify if the plugin is active via the "/plugins" command.

If nights are not darker, please feel free to DM me with more information regarding your server (here or @Intelli on Discord)

Version: 2.7.0
Achei bem massa, deixou as noites mais bonita e mais desafiadora, o pessoal gostou bastante. Abraços do Brasil

Version: 2.6.0
A remarkably innovative plugin tailored for my survival server, enhancing players' immersion in the nocturnal realms.

Version: 2.6.0
I tried version 2.6.0 and its so much better. There is minor flickering, but its pretty good considering its a client side problem.

This plugin make the night properly dark and I love it.

Version: 2.5.2
I'm using version 2.5.2 on spigot 1.20.1

Whenever I place or break a block the light level on the block is reset to 15.
This is a bug as the plugin runs perfectly on spigot 1.19.3.

Hoping the dev can fix this soon
Author's response
This is actually due to a new client-side bug, where the client resets blocks to max light level when placing/breaking.

I'll be releasing a build shortly that helps mitigate this issue, but as the issue is client-side, it can't be entirely resolved server-side.

Hopefully this behaviour is reverted in a future Minecraft version. Please report this issue to Mojang if you'd like to push for it to be fixed.

Version: 2.4
Thank you for keeping this updated, been keeping an eye on it for a while debating whether to get, worth it.

Version: 2.2
If you using farther view distance - forget about that plugin. This plugin doesn't affect chunks that loaded by fvd

Version: 2.2
An awesome plugin. Has no impact on server performance and a must have for any survival server. Makes night on Minecraft the way it should be. A feature that would be awesome is worldguard integration so it works when regions are timelocked to night. 5 Stars!

Version: 2.1
I LOVE this plugin! Finally nights appear really creepy! This compared to vanilla MC nights It reminds me a lot of "Dragon's Dogma" vs "Skyrim"... you really don't want to be outside without torches when it gets dark!

Also, the fact that the darkness has a range limit, and that areas further away appear with normal brightness, actually looks great; just as if the area where you are was covered by clouds, and the moon was shining on the areas further away.

Very much recommended for survival / hardcore servers!

Version: 1.3
A very well coded plugin, runs without flaws and is not heavy on the server. My player base love the new vibe it gives to the game and personally, I feel that this plugin is now a must have essential for any server!!

Long may it continue to receive updates and feature updates!

Version: 1.3
Awesome plugin. Had problems with it initially but it was on my end using frame limiting instead of vsync. I would like to see an adjustable configuration file with this though to adjust the lighting brightness/darkness.

Version: 1.3
There's no github I see to put problems. I just got this and the very first thing i noticed is it makes my game stutter if i move faster than a walk. So if i coast off in a boat or fly around in creative its got a very consistent periodic stutter where my frames drop about 10fps, just enough that even though my fps is high, it gives that stutter effect.

This mainly happens at night.

edit: I just checked, and it appears that it's making my cpu usage INSANELY high. I'm hosting on a AMD Ryzen 3800X...
Author's response
Please message me either on Discord (directly, or in the support channel) or via DM here on Spigot, and I'll be happy to help you out.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 281
First Release: Feb 5, 2021
Last Update: Dec 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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