DailyRewards DailyRewards is a lightweight and user-friendly Skript that implements a daily rewards system for your Minecraft server. With an intuitive GUI interface, players can easily claim their daily rewards and track their progress.
Features: - Clean and intuitive GUI interface
- ⏰ 24 hour cooldown system
- Random reward system with varying amounts
- Player statistics tracking
- ⚡ Performance optimized
- ️ Easy to configure and customize
Default Rewards: - Diamonds (5)
- Iron Ingots (10)
- Gold Ingots (3)
- Emeralds (1)
Commands: - /reward - Opens the rewards GUI
- /rewards - Alternative command
- /dailyreward - Alternative command
- /daily - Alternative command
- /reward lang [en|es] - Change language
Permissions: - rewards.use - Permission to use the reward system
- rewards.vip - Access to VIP rewards
Installation: 1. Install Skript plugin on your server
2. Download the DailyRewards.sk file
3. Place it in your plugins/Skript/scripts folder
4. Reload Skript or restart your server
5. Configure messages and rewards as needed
Coming Soon: -
Multiple reward tiers(v2.0) -
Custome reward configurations(v2.0) -
Multiple language support(v2.0) -
Weekly and monthly rewards(v2.0) -
VIP rewards system(v2.0) -
Streak bonus system(v3.0) -
Random bonus rewards(v3.0) -
Enhanced GUI interface(v3.0) -
Full-featured reward preview(v3.0) -
Customizable multipliers(v3.0) -
Multi-language support(v3.0.1) -
Optimized performance(v3.0)
For support or suggestions, feel free to comment below!