CustomTabCompleter is a lightweight plugin which lets you modify the tab completition list in newer versions of minecraft for your players based on permission groups.
- Show players different tab completion based on permission
- Create custom permission groups
- No config editing needed! Everything can be changed with ingame commands
- Whitelist and blacklist modes are available per-group
- Fake, customizable unknown command features which shows only to people that should be able to see the command completion
- 100% bypassable by using a permission
- Supports admin commands, allowing you to create groups for your staff members and default players without headache
- And more...
Contact @ Goldeneas on discord for support
Plugin permissions are completely customizable in the
config.yml file.
The default permissions are:
- ctc.bypass: allows user to bypass plugin
- ctc.admin: notifies the user about updates and allows admin commands
If a new command is added to a blacklist the changes won't be visible at first. This is because of how spigot handles internal tab completion.
Tab completion is updated once a player rejoins the server; so after you've configured the plugin, make sure to log back in your server to see all the changes.