A simple plugin that allows you to customize the join and leave messages of your server.
Uses MiniMessage format, implements PlaceholderAPI placeholders, and suffixes/prefixes from LuckPerms.
Introduces 2 commands:
/vanishleave - Sends a fake leave message and sets the player to go into vanish-mode.
/vanishjoin - Sends a fake join message and takes the player out of vanish-mode.
Note: Vanish-mode is handled by your vanish plugin (e.g. EssentialsX).
Default Configuration:
Code (Text):
# Uses MiniMessage format and any PlaceholderAPI placeholders.
# You can also add <prefix> and <suffix> at either end of the playername.
joinMessage: "<yellow>%player_name% <yellow>joined the game"
leaveMessage: "<yellow>%player_name% <yellow>left the game"
# You can set these permissions to whatever you want.
# Just make sure they match the permissions in your permissions plugin.
silentjoin: "essentials.silentjoin"
silentquit: "essentials.silentquit"
vanish: "essentials.vanish" # This should be the permission to go into vanish-mode (handled by your vanish plugin e.g. EssentialsX).
# Set this to whatever command handles vanish on your server.
vanish-on: "essentials:vanish on"
vanish-off: "essentials:vanish off"