Modified message (console-error) now is '%plugin% &cYou can`t use that command in console'
Added new variable (%dropdata%)
Added new variable (%targetblock%)
Added new variable (%targetentity%)
Added new messages to config.yml. Previously they could not be translated, but now they can.
Please add the messages manually in messages section or remove config.yml and restart the server.
# Console messages for block break error block: # Variables: %plugin%, %dropdata%, %targetblock% invalid-material-id: '%plugin% &4&lERROR! &cInvalid material ID &4%dropdata% &cin config for block ID &4%targetblock%' invalid-drop-id-format: '%plugin% &4&lERROR! &cInvalid drop ID format &4%dropdata% &cin config for block ID &4%targetblock%' invalid-drop-format: '%plugin% &4&lERROR! &cInvalid drop format &4%dropdata% &cin config for block ID &4%targetblock%' # Variables: %plugin%, %targetblock% unexpected-error: '%plugin% &4&lERROR! &cAn unexpected error occurred while processing drops for block ID &4%targetblock%' # Variables: %plugin%, %dropdata% right-drop-format: '%plugin% &4&lERROR! &cBe sure you have the right format similar to this: &4%dropdata%;1;3;9;true'
# Console messages for entity kill error entity: # Variables: %plugin%, %dropdata%, %targetentity% invalid-material-id: '%plugin% &4&lERROR! &cInvalid material ID &4%dropdata% &cin config for entity &4%targetentity%' invalid-drop-id-format: '%plugin% &4&lERROR! &cInvalid drop ID format &4%dropdata% &cin config for entity &4%targetentity%' invalid-drop-format: '%plugin% &4&lERROR! &cInvalid drop format &4%dropdata% &cin config for entity &4%targetentity%' # Variables: %plugin%, %targetentity% unexpected-error: '%plugin% &4&lERROR! &cAn unexpected error occurred while processing drops for entity &4%targetentity%' # Variables: %plugin%, %dropdata% right-drop-format: '%plugin% &4&lERROR! &cBe sure you have right format similar to this: &4%dropdata%;1;3;9;true'