CustomCommands icon

CustomCommands -----

Create unlimited custom commands with actual registration and tab completion! [1.7-latest]

CustomCommands 2.0.0 - Big update !
This is a very big update ! Some things to know :

- Now, the changelogs will be centralized (all modification in the same text) ;
- Now, all the plugins storages (data and configuration) will be stored in /plugins/pyrrh4_plugins/ ;
- I redisigned all the plugins threads ;
- Now all the plugins (except Potatoes, which is premium and All Rights Reserved) can be found on github ;
- I changed the all the plugins licenses ;
- If you had an old version of a plugin, the plugin will automatically convert as much data as possible from the old storage directory (/plugins/[plugin name]/) to the new storage directory (/plugins/pyrrh4_plugins/[plugin name]/) with the new serialization system.

Changelog for PyrCore 2.0.0 (affects all plugins) :

- Added a multilingual system ;
- Added command : /pyr lang [lang] - allows the users to change their language ;
- Added command : /pyr plugins - show the pyr plugins ;
- Added command : /pyr reload [plugin] - reload a pyr plugin ;
- Added command : /pyr paste [plugin] - paste debug informations about the plugin ;
- Added a particle compatibility from 1.7 to 1.11 ;
- Added a nms and non-flicked scoreboard system from 1.8 to 1.7 (1.7 is still a little bit flickering) ;
- Improved the serialization system ;
- Changed the commands library ;
- Changed the storage system ;
- Changed the messenger system (messages, tabs, titles, placeholders, etc) ;
- Changed and improved many utils classes ;
- Corrected many bugs.

Changelog for Potatoes 3.0.0 :

- Adapted to PyrCore 2.0.0 ;
- Fully recoded the plugin (again) to optimize it and improve it ;
- Added finnish language ;
- Corrected many bugs.

Changelog for CustomCommands 2.0.0 :

- Adapted to PyrCore 2.0.0 ;
- Fully recoded the plugin to optimize it and improve it ;
- Changed the configuration system (see the plugin page) ;
- Added 'commands for' and 'commands as' actions ;
- Added 'action bar' action ;
- Added 'wait' action ;
- Corrected many bugs.

Changelog for ScrollBoard 1.4.0 :

- Adapted to PyrCore 2.0.0 ;
- Corrected some bugs.

Changelog for SurvivalMysteryChests 1.5.0 :

- Adapted to PyrCore 2.0.0 ;
- Corrected some bugs.
----------, Dec 23, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 108,553
First Release: Nov 8, 2015
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
95 ratings
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