Just put the plugin into your plugins folder and restart your server. All of your scoreboards will now have the custom score numbers applied! Works on:
Spigot, Paper & Purpur
Velocity & Bungeecord
Only works with 1.20.3+ Servers & 1.20.3+ Clients
Not really compatible with geyser (Does not work for Bedrock players)
How does it work? This plugin modifies all scoreboard objective packets send by the server. For more details look into the source code https://github.com/max1mde/CustomScoreNumbers
Performance? Should not be an issue because it just modifies a specific packet.
Important! This plugin only works on version 1.20.3 or above (For a reason (not because I am lazy ; ) ) )!
If you are using via backwards... IT DOES NOT work with older clients than 1.20.3 too!
Code (YAML):
Invisible: true
Color: "#04FFF9"
(The color is only applied if Invisible is set to false)
Code (Text):
/customscores reload (Reloads the config)
Permission: CustomScores.commands
TO-DO List
Velocity & Bungeecord support
Bedrock support
Per player customization
Problems with the plugin? Before you write a bad review ask for support on the discord server or open an issue on github