Custom Maps
How it works?
Place any image on the map and then place it on item frames!
Minecraft version
This plugin runs on a Minecraft version 1.16+.
- Create a wall with item frames using built-in command
- Place your map in the bottom left item frame and your image will be displayed
- Maps show you how big they are and how many item frames they need
- You can copy the URL of already created map
- You can resize an already created map
- /custommap give <URL> - gives you a map with the picture from the URL with original quality
- /custommap give <URL> automatic - gives you a map with the picture from the URL which will be automatically fitting in item frames
- /custommap give <URL> small - gives you a map with the picture from the URL resized to 1x1
- /custommap give <URL> scale <float> - gives you a map with the picture from the URL with a size multiplied by a given scale
- /custommap fillitemframes <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> - fills this terrain with item frames and rotate them automatically
- /custommap fillitemframes <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <direction> - fills this terrain with item frames with a set direction
- /custommap changeproperties original - resized a held map to original quality
- /custommap changeproperties automatic - changes the property of a help map to have automatically adjusted quality
- /custommap changeproperties small - resizes a held map to 1x1
- /custommap changeproperties scale <float> - changes the size of a held map to be multiplied by a given scale
- /custommap geturl - gives you the URL of the held map
- /custommap fix - fixes the preview of the held map (usually it breaks after server restart)
- /custommap help - shows a list of commands
Configuration Options
Edit the `plugins/MinecraftManhunt/config.yml` file to change additional options.
If `
usePermissions` is set to
true in the
config.yml file, players without ops will need the following permissions to use the commands:
- custommaps.custommap - allows to use all `/custommap` commands.
- custommaps.give - allows to use `/custommap give` command.
- custommaps.fillitemframes - allows to use `/custommap fillitemframes` command.
- custommaps.changeproperties - allows to use `/custommap changeproperties` command.
- custommaps.geturl - allows to use `/custommap geturl` command.
- custommaps.fix - allows to use `/custommap fix` command.
- - allows to use `/custommap help` command.
Made by Matistan