PlayerJoinMOTD icon

PlayerJoinMOTD -----

A plugin that handles custom MOTD upon joining.

# MOTD Version 1.0: VouchMe, if you encounter any bugs or issues. Let me know!
command_prefix: "&7[&aMOTD&7] "
- message: "&bClick here to create your Island"
command: "/is create"
- message: "&aJoin our Discord!"
command: "/discord"

message: "&aPlayer &l&n{player}&a has joined the game!"

- message: "&aWelcome back to the server!"
- message: "Hello there"
- message: "Click here (no command set)"
- message: "&7Check out our spawn by clicking &nhere"
command: "/spawn"
- message: "&7Click here to fly"
command: "/fly"

With this plugin, you can have custom_join messages, first_join messages and welcome_back messages.

Each feature has 'lines:' feature which allows you to write messages below. You must use the appropriate indentation and format otherwise it will not work.

Each ' -message: "Example" ' is able to be customised with any text you want. These messages also do support multiline support and you are able to colour code them accordingly.

Under each ' message: ', contains the ability to have click commands to whatever commands you want to set it to.


- message: "&7Click here to fly"
command: "/fly"

This allows players to click on your chat message and return with the command: /fly

Each command applies to the - 'message' above it in ' config.yml'. Each command only represents a single message.

If you need help setting it up or need help:
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46
First Release: Sep 16, 2024
Last Update: Sep 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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