/cgui create - Creates a new blank gui (Don't include spaces in the name)
/cgui delete - Deletes a gui
/cgui edit - Opens a gui for editing (Hold the item in your hand that you want to put in a slot)
/cgui setDisplayName - Set's a custom display name of the gui. NOTE: This does NOT change the actual name of the gui, just the display name (Use & for colours and other formatting) (Spaces are allowed)
/cgui setCommands - Allows you to set any command to run when a player clicks a certain spot in the gui (Use %player% if you want the command to execute for a specific player)
/cgui open - Opens a gui for a specific player (This command can also be run from console)
/cgui list - Shows a list of all guis
cGuis: Gives permission for every command in this plugin
cGuis.create: Gives permission to create a gui
cGuis.delete: Gives permission to delete a gui
cGuis.edit: Gives permission to edit a gui
cGuis.setDisplayName: Gives permission to set the display name of a gui
cGuis.setCommands: Gives permission to set the commands of a gui Gives permission to open a gui for yourself or other players
cGuis.list: Gives permission to see the list of created guis