# Support 1.21.4
# 支持1.21.4
# Support 1.21.3
# 支持1.21.3
# Support 1.21.1
# 支持1.21.1
#Fix a small problem
# Support 1.20.6
#Temporarily remove the restriction that ProtocolLib and PlaceholderAPI cannot be started without installing it.
# 支持1.20.6
#The previous file was transferred incorrectly.
#Support 1.20.4
#支持 1.20.4
#Fix version 1.20.1 and 1.20.2 judgment errors
#Support 1.20.2
#Damage judgment supports ProSkillAPI
#支持 1.20.2
#Support 1.18.2 1.19.4 1.20.1
#Remove the need for HolographicDisplays.
#支持 1.18.2 1.19.4 1.20.1
#Repair If MythicMobs is not installed, a large number of error messages will be reported.
#Fix the problem of MythicMobs protists and incorrect level display.
#Fix the length of the item command error, there will be an error problem.
#Fix the problem that Guise cannot be used in 1.17.
#Currently rewriting the plugin, the Custom Display plan is mainly to fix the problem.
#Fix a bug in the 1.16.14 update
#The plugin file name can be changed.
#Fixed the problem that when the transfer instruction is used in the console, there will be errors.
#Add the original version of the editor (please back up the settings before using).
#Fix the problem that the plugin cannot be started in 1.17.
#Repair the command/cd, there will be an error when the back is empty
#Character's Math adds Format function. (
#Add three triggers: ~onLeverOn, ~onLeverOff, and ~onButton. (
#Add the function of placing blocks. (
#Coordinates target to increase the world coordinates. (
#Fix some errors
# Increase Money action. (
#Command, add console commands. (
#Action, increase the NeedTargeth attribute. (
#Holographic adds the ability to modify the specified number of lines. (
#Examples are all modified to the latest version.
#At present, as long as AttackCore is not using CustomCore, the attributes added by the previous version will be cleared when the player logs in.
#Fix some problems with target filtering.
The files in the System folder in
#Character are moved to the Other folder.
#Character settings can currently create folder categories
#Slightly modify Hologram, Guise, BossBar, without affecting the original settings.
#Add some configuration files that I forgot to put in.
#Add Invisible action. (
#Add SwitchAction action. (
#Fix the error of sending texture pack on Spigto.
#Modify the format of the GUI. (Built-in example)
#Add item action example
#Add items to build a CD on the right.
#Update texture pack
# Increase the use of ModelEngine function. (
#Fix If the trigger is empty, an error will pop up in the background.
#Change the subordinate naming of the target (
#Fix some errors
#Add Light function, LightAPI is required. (
The positioning method of #Hologram is completely changed to use @. (
Example) (
#Item editing interface adds editing Action.
#Action If you use the item name, you need to add the item category in front, such as Weapon.Arrow1.
#Item edit interface button Material settings, unified change to the item language configuration file.
#Slightly modify the conversion method of CustomCharacter, which should really solve the problem of excessive memory usage.
#Re-modifying the storage method of the action should reduce the amount of memory used.
#All examples are updated to the latest format.
#Condition is changed to Break. (
#Fix an error in Loop.
#Modify the location of the language file.
#Add item editor. Use command/cd items edit to open
#1.13 to the current version may have a problem of using a large amount of memory. If this problem occurs during use, it is recommended to temporarily use the version 1.12.12 or earlier.
#Fixed the issue that all other actions will be cleared when Action is triggered.
#Update the content of example 9. (
#Fix some problems with marking actions.
#Action's mark function is changed back to free setting, originally changed to boolean value in version 1.14. (
#Modify the setting format of Hologram. (
#Add the function of sending messages to Discord (
description) (
#Resourcepack version updated to 1.13
#Add some bugs.
#Fix some errors.
#Fix the problem that the number conversion will be wrong when the region format is Turkey.
#Increase attributes and enchant placeholders.
#Add 5 triggers ~LeftClickAir, ~LeftClickBlock, ~RightClickAir, ~RightClickBlock, ~PressurePlate.
#Add Class-Skill, which needs to be opened in config. (
Sample configuration file)
#Add some actions
#Fix some problems, maybe add some unknown problems.
#config adds the timing setting of the Permission action.
#All XYZ coordinate settings are unified to a single setting.
#Add some settings of the goal (
#Add target filtering function. (
#Change the display of added items in Hologram. (
#Increase the target Glow effect. (
# Increase the Move function. (
#Fixed the problem of incorrect display of damage numbers when attacking multiple targets at the same time.
#Fixed the problem that BossBar was not cleared when re-reading the plug-in.
#Fixed the placeholder error in the new version of ModelEngine.
#Increase the money, experience and item variables obtained by the last MythicMobs monster killed.
# Increase the drop experience, gold and item triggers of the killed MythicMobs monsters.
#Fix the problem that Permission cannot be used.
#Increase the damage display of no attacker (like MythimMobs's Damage) (CustomDisplay/Character/System/NoDamagerDamage.yml)
#Fix some problems in the use of the Remove function of ActionBar. (
Slightly modify some settings of example 2)(
#Fix the problem that errors will occur if the attacker is not a living entity when being attacked.
#Add the function of converting PNG images into particles. (Description)
#Fix the MythicMobs level variable.
#Injury core increase MythicLib version (MythicLib, MythicLib_MMOCore, MythicLib_SkillAPI, CDMythicLib)
#Add MythicTypeList condition to compare the monster ID of MythicMobs. (
#Change some setting formats of particle effects. (
#Increase ModelEngine ID, eye height, HitBox height, HitBox width, 4 Placeholders.(
#Fix the problem that the damaged can only be judged at close range.
#Damaged increase failure judgment ~ onDamagedMiss.
#Add the displayed example of being attacked. (
#Fix the problem that using BossBar to yourself will cause the Progress to be 0.
#Add an example of displaying your own message with BossBar. (
#Fix the problem of errors if the MythicMobs plugin is not installed.
#AttackCore adds CDMMOLib to use the modified MMOLib, which can accurately determine the critical attack of MMOCore and MMOItem. (The modified MMOLib can be found in the group’s pinning message.
#Fix some problems with HeadValue in Gui and Item settings.
#Fix that putting other types of files (such as .bat) in the CustomDisplay folder will cause errors.
#Increase the limit of number size. (
#Fix the problem that custom placeholders are not updated after reload.
#Fix- The problem that the && in content[] cannot be read.
#If the previous version is okay to use, there is no need to update this version.
#Change some of the wording on CustomCharacter. (
#Change Placeholders in the plugin. (
#Default setting At present, only the attack display is left. For other settings, please see the example and add them by yourself. (
#Increase~onAtkMiss is triggered and displayed when the attack fails.
#AttackCore Added CrackShot.
#Modify the default attribute settings to clear the attributes added by CustomDisplay.
#The previous version forgot to change this setting, which caused me to read my usual test settings. (Mainly affects blood volume, attack, and defense)
#Increase the operation function of chat messages. (Examples are set in ExampleMessage and Message/Default.yml)
#/cd cast message can open the example.
#More interesting applications.
#Fix the problem that the unarmed attack of MMOLib1.7.4 cannot display the damage.
# Increase the judgment of using throwing potions to attack.
#Configuration file is changed to read the path in .jar to create, so do not change the name of .jar. (Because the author is lazy, I changed it to this)
#Character setting path slightly modified (multiple folders)
#Fixed the problem that the placeholder number could not be obtained for bow and arrow damage.
#Some modifications on the settings.
#Fix a bug related to MMOCore.
#Modify read pre-plugin, possible errors.
#Default ignores Citizens' NPC targets.
#Fixed the problem that the mark action will not be deleted when triggered again, and the previous action did not end.
#config Added sending texture pack settings.
#Language Added information about sending texture packs.
#Add~onChat trigger.
#Increase the Contains condition.
#Add the example of talking head display.
#Add an example of using emoticons if the speech contains a certain keyword.
# Material pack update 1.12.
#Customized word increase ConverAddRL[,;,], used to add content on both sides of the word, the left side is English, the right side is others.
#config Increase the setting of health bar compression.
#~onSkillCastStart is changed to ~onKeyFON.
#~onSkillCastStop is changed to ~onKeyFOFF.
#Add ~onKey trigger, which is used to trigger when switching to the designated inventory, from left to right from ~onKey1 to ~onKey9.
#Remove non-essential monster actions.
#Fixed the wrong setting of the attack display number.
#The damage judgment is changed to the config setting. (After the modification, the server must be restarted to take effect)
# Increase the movement of particle effects.
# Some changes in ActionBar settings.
#ProtocolLib is currently a required plugin.
#Modify some damage judgments of MMOLib.
#Remove the MessageTarge function.
#Placeholders are all changed to custom word processing.
#Custom word function to increase target judgment.
#Fix the error of MMOLib's damage number.
#Fixed the judgment of MMOLib's critical strike damage, not completely accurate but better than before.
# Increase the magic damage judgment and magic critical strike judgment of MMOLib.
#Fix the wrong state of MMOCore's open spell bar.
#Add the function of converContains, and if there is a certain keyword, the entire content will be converted.
# Increase mobs ~ onDeath action.
#Fix a bug in Loop.
#Change the setting format of Holographic.
#Change the naming of internal Placeholders.
#Hide Decimal into the non-digital background Baocuo.
#Add the MessageTarge attribute to determine whether the content Placeholders should use themselves or the target.
#Fix the error of <cd_other_math_random_#>.
# Increase the permission to read the configuration file.
#Add some
Placeholders for plugins, limited to CustomCharacter.
#Add Portuguese_BR language.
#Fixed some problems in the Conver method of custom words.
#The ConverAll function is added to the custom word, and the entire content must be identical before conversion.
#MMOCore's ActionBar is changed to plugin control (Requires ProtocolLib).
#Update texture pack-version 1.11.
#Disable Particle from ParticleID to Particle name.(Requires ProtocolLib)
#Add to change the display name of the creature in the client.(Requires ProtocolLib)
#Fix some errors of BossBar.
#Fix the error of loop condition judgment.
#Fix the "Quit" grammatical error.(~onQuiz->~onQuit).
#Modify the low blood volume display example.
#Increase the sending of chat messages.
#Increase the critical strike judgment of AttributePlus.
#The critical strike judgment of MMOLib (MMOCore) is not necessarily accurate, because MMOLib itself does not have a critical strike judgment function.
#Fixed some problems in the definition of words.
#Increase the damage judgment of Attributeplus.
#Increase the judgment of MMOLib damage (the front of MMOCore and MMOItems).
#Add the example of particle effect removal. (Particle removal must install ProtocolLib)
#Fix some errors.
#Texture pack update.
#Example settings have been changed.
#Increase the attacked example.
#Maybe it can resolve some plugin conflicts.
#The previous version conflicts with MythicMobsExtension.
#Some changes in settings.
#Added examples of ActionBar and BossBar.
#Added sound and title display.
#Increase the condition of comparing size.
#Increase the example of low blood volume display.
Increase the target blood volume change condition.
#Increase the example shown on the physical head.
#Currently the custom message does not need to be separated by ",", just add & on both sides.
#Action set, change to;.
#Override the configuration read mode.
#The original reading method may cause some people to be unable to read the configuration file and cause errors in the plug-in.
#The latest version can only use HolographicDisplays, other functions will be added back later.
#It is currently recommended to use version 1.9.2.
#The example currently only displays attacks.
#Fix the problem of not reading self-made files.
#The settings of the attack display are changed to the Players and Actions folders, and the words displayed in the attack are changed to the Character folder.
#Added back the player's damage judgment using TNT.
#Changing the judgment of damage may solve the damage error.
#Change TitleDisplay and ActionBarDisplay to Players and Actions folder settings.
#PlaceholderAPI is set to be installed
#Temporarily remove the judgment of players using TNT damage.
#Players settings are still being improved and are temporarily closed for use.
#Increase the title displayed when being attacked
#Set in the Players folder
#Increase whether you can see the display on your head (ProtocolLib needs to be installed)
#Fixed an issue where creepers were afraid of explosions and the health bar on their heads would not disappear
#Fixed arrow damage, causing background errors
#Adding custom characters allows calculation and display changes after calculation, or vice versa.
#Biological head display can be multiple lines
#Attack display can be multiple lines
#Remove the monster death will send a message to the player (the test user did not notice the deletion)
#Increase the attack display BossBar
#Increase Title display
#Add material pack content
#Add digit setting for attack number
#Some modifications on the configuration
#Modify the characters used in the texture pack
#Fix the error of ActionBar on the Spigot side, but there will be problems if it is used in Bukkit
#ActionBar (the display above the inventory), now you can use Placeholder, and make custom changes to the content displayed by Placeholder
#Fix some problems
Fix ActionBarDisply cannot be closed