CSky Freeze icon

CSky Freeze -----

CSky Freeze lets admins freeze players, stopping their movement and interactions.

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CSky Freeze
is a powerful freeze plugin designed to enhance your Minecraft server's administrative capabilities. With CSky Freeze, you can freeze and unfreeze players easily, preventing them from moving or interacting when necessary. This tool is essential for maintaining order and control on your server.

With CSky Freeze, you can ensure a secure and orderly environment on your Minecraft server, providing admins with essential tools to manage player behavior effectively.

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Setup tutorial:

1. Download the latest version of the CSky Freeze plugin.
2. Install the plugin into your Minecraft server's plugins directory.
3. Start or restart your Minecraft server to load the plugin.

That's it! You have successfully set up CSky Freeze on your Minecraft server. Enjoy the convenience and control of freezing players as needed.

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  • /freeze <player> - Freeze a specified player, preventing their movement and interactions.
  • /unfreeze <player> - Unfreeze a specified player, restoring their movement and interaction abilities.
  • /cfreeze help - Access a list of available commands and their usage.
  • /cfreeze reload - Reload the CSky Freeze plugin, allowing for seamless updates and changes to take effect.

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  • cfreeze.admin - Grants administrators access to all CSky Freeze commands, ensuring efficient player management.
  • cfreeze.bypass - Allows players to bypass freezing, granting them immunity to freeze commands.

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 57
First Release: May 17, 2024
Last Update: May 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings