| Free minecraft donation system [1.20 compatible!] icon | Free minecraft donation system [1.20 compatible!] -----

Web based minecraft donation store! (Spigot, Bukkit, Sponge and BungeeCord supported)

New truly instant payment system for premium stores!
New for premium (silver & gold) stores;
Instant payments, players receive their items instantly after the payment provider (PayPal, PayGol, etc.) processes them, this will be within a few seconds in most cases!

How does the current system work?
All of our plugins currently poll the CraftingStore API every x seconds (minimum: 120 seconds) to check for new payments, just like the other donation systems. This has two disadvantages;
- Players do not receive their items instant.
- Our servers receive a lot of HTTP requests from all the plugins.

How does the new system work?
The new system uses an socket connection between your server, and to make sure that your server only polls the API when a payment is received. This way your server does not need to poll the API every X seconds, and only does this when there is actually something to process.

Why only for premium users?
We're currently testing this new system, but due the way the sockets are set-up we're currently limited by the system (max connection limit, etc.). So we can't allow every store to the new platform just yet.
----------, Apr 9, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 34,387
First Release: Nov 5, 2016
Last Update: May 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
120 ratings
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