Hey peeps!
As the title says, this update now adds new permission nodes for crafting the 3 different recipes.
This update now also adds native 1.19.2 API support.
Users MUST regenerate their config and message files or the plugin may crash!
If you discover any other issues with the plugin, please do send me a message or leave a post on the forum with your issue and I'll try my best to assist you.
Updated GitHub repository
Added crafting permissions
Added permission `ct.craft.trident`
Added permission `ct.craft.op-trident`
Added permission `ct.craft.elytra`
Added permission `ct.craft.*`
Added permission `ct.craft`
Added permission `ct.*`
Added new messages.yml section
Fixed version shutdown error
Added 1.19.2 API Support
Change plugin version to `1.4.3`