CraftableTridents | 1.21.1SUPPORT! | icon

CraftableTridents | 1.21.1SUPPORT! | -----

Add custom recipes to your server to craft tridents, elytra's & god apples. | Supports Folia |



'ct.craft.trident' - The ability to craft the standard trident.
'ct.craft.op-trident' - The ability to craft the op trident.
'ct.craft.elytra' - The ability to craft the elytra.
'ct.craft.godapple' - The ability to craft the enchanted golden apple.

'ct.craft.*', - The ability to craft all recipes
'ct.update' - The ability to be notified if an update is available.
'ct.*' - The ability to use all of the plugin's features.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,643
First Release: Aug 6, 2021
Last Update: Sep 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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