CoreOZ is a comprehensive Minecraft plugin designed to enhance server administration and gameplay experience with a robust set of commands and features. From managing game modes and teleportation requests to controlling time and weather,
CoreOZ offers essential tools for server administrators and players alike. It also includes advanced functionalities such as chat color formatting
(with permissions) and configurable command blocking and
console message filtering.
- /creload: Reloads the configuration files. (coreoz.reload)
- /day: Sets the time to day. (
- /feed: Fills the hunger bar. (coreoz.feed)
- /gamemode: Changes the game mode. (coreoz.gamemode)
- /give: Gives items to players. (coreoz.give)
- /godmode: Toggles invincibility. (coreoz.god | coreoz.god.others)
- /heal: Heals the player. (coreoz.heal)
- /item: Gives specified items. (coreoz.item)
- /kick: Kicks a player from the server. (coreoz.kick)
- /midnight: Sets the time to midnight. (coreoz.midnight)
- /noon: Sets the time to noon. (coreoz.noon)
- /night: Sets the time to night. (coreoz.night)
- /tpa: Sends a teleport request.
- /tpaccept: Accepts a teleport request.
- /tpacancel: Cancels the last teleport request.
- /tpdeny: Denies a teleport request.
- /weather: Controls weather conditions. (
- /rtp: Teleports to a random location within the server's border. (coreoz.randomteleport)
- /tpall: Bring all players to yourself. (coreoz.tpall)
- /s <player> | *: Bring defined player to yourself (or all if *). (coreoz.summonplayers)
Additional Features:
- Chat Color Formatting: Allows players to use color codes (with permission coreoz.colors) in chat.
- Command Blocking: Blocks specified commands as configured in the config.yml file.
- Console Message Filtering: Filters unwanted messages in the server console, configurable via the config.yml file.