No more distance limit on the around trigger, the old limit was 30 blocks; now it's infinite. If you want to start a conversation with an NPC when the player is within 30,000 blocks, you can, even though it's pretty useless.
Now the optimized around something detection system autoscale
New gui system
/conversation view
Show conversations in a cool GUI, you can't edit the conversations (one day if the plugin makes some sales), but with the gui you can see yours conversations and delete it if needed.
In the last version (1.20.1), there is a bug with ProtocolLib, so the mechanic hideChat is somewhat buggy. It will work once ProtocolLib fixes the problem.
Compatibility now with 1.12 -> lastest (1.19.3 currently)
Fixing nonimportant issues
Technically working at 95% in 1.8, but not 100% in 1.8 an event is bugged(don't work like in the others versions) and this affects 1 step and 1 option, should work in 1.11 I guess and maybe a bit under but officially I support only 1.12 -> lastest if someone need 1.8 support contact me on discord