ConsoleDiscord - Updated! icon

ConsoleDiscord - Updated! -----

This plugins links your minecraft server console to a discord channel

Installation Guide for ConsoleDiscord Spigot Plugin

Welcome to the installation guide for the ConsoleDiscord Spigot plugin! This plugin allows you to link your Minecraft server console to a Discord channel, enabling seamless communication between the two platforms.

Step 1: Create a Discord Bot

1. Navigate to the Discord Developers portal:
2. Log in with your Discord account if you haven't already.
3. Click on " New Application" to create a new bot application.
4. Name your bot and click "Create".
5. In the left sidebar, select " Bot", then click on " Add Bot".
6. Customize your bot as needed (e.g., profile picture, username).
7. Once your bot is created, copy the token provided. You'll need this token for configuration later.

Step 2: Add the Bot to Your Discord Server

1. Still in the Discord Developers portal, go to the " OAuth2" section.
2. Scroll down to the " OAuth2 URL Generator" section.
3. Under " Scopes", select " bot".
4. Under "Bot Permissions", select " Administrator" or customize permissions as needed.
5. Copy the generated URL.
6. Paste the URL into your web browser and select your Discord server to add the bot.

Step 3: Configure the Plugin

1. Download the ConsoleDiscord plugin JAR file.
2. Place the JAR file into the " plugins" folder of your Spigot server.
3. Start or restart your Spigot server.
4. Locate the ` config.yml` file within the ConsoleDiscord folder.
5. Open the ` config.yml` file using a text editor.
6. Paste the token you copied from the Discord Developers portal into the ` Token` field under ` Discord-Bot` in the ` config.yml`.
7. Grant the bot administrator permission in your Discord server and copy the channel ID.
8. Paste the channel ID into the ` Channel` field under ` Discord-Bot` in the ` config.yml`.

Step 6: Restart Your Server

1. Save the ` config.yml` file after making changes.
2. Restart your Spigot server to apply the changes.
3. Once the server is restarted, the plugin should be active and ready to use.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 255
First Release: Jun 29, 2022
Last Update: Apr 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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