CompassCommand - bind an item for your menu [1.12.2-1.21] icon

CompassCommand - bind an item for your menu [1.12.2-1.21] -----

Bind an item for your menu,enable players to quickly get started with your server

:)About ComapssCommand

This plugin is similar to a lower version of the plugin name Clockmenu (1.12.2 below) because the original author may have stoped the updates and Chinese website did not find a new plugin like it, so i wrote this plugin on a whim, as if the title is to specify item binding instructions.
This allows some players who are new to the game and are not familiar with the instructions to directly open the homepage (menu) with the corresponding item in a fully GUI style operation (Chestcommand, etc.), making it easier for beginners to get started, and so on.​

This plugin occupies very little memory, only a few KB, and does not take up too much memory on the server.

:unsure: What can this plugin do
  • Binding your menu for any specified type of item, when the player interacts with air or any block (left or right click), if holding the specified type of item, the command for open the menu or something else will be executed (simulating the player entering "/"+command) and the server can choose to execute the set instruction.
  • Players joining the server are automatically given an item with customizable lore and display name for direct use.
  • Players can be selectively allowed to throw out this menu (other types of items will not be blocked if their ItemMeta is different)
  • You can choose whether to trigger with the left or right hands while player acting with air or blocks
  • Player death will not erase the item which bind with your menu
  • [Optional] PAPI variables are supported wherever there is text output [if necessary, install Placeholder API]
  • You can choose whether to execute player commands or server commands

(Use deluxemenu,and "Menu" to open the main menu):

when you see this below ,this means the papi is available and you can use papi variables wherever output message.

:coffee: configuration
Code (YAML):
#enable the plugin?
# /!\
: true

# set the lores,one or more lines will also be accepted
 - "§a欢迎您!%player_name%"
  - "§4右键点击§e打开主菜单"

#set the menu's name
: "§e%server_name% 主菜单"

# which material they hand can act.
# to use item clock type: WATCH
# /!\

# one of these below must be "true" otherwise it will have no effect.
: true
: true

# when player join will check if they have had the item,if not ,then give them one.
: true

# whether allow play drop the item,if player drop when this set to true ,delete and create a new one to player
: false

# command when the item was used just simulating player chatting like("/"+xxx)
# only one command and the command must be registered
: "Menu"

# command that when the item was used and server is forced to do what(!!ignore permission!!)
# not like playercommand,this command comes from server.
# Assuming the command 'open <YourMenu> <PlayerName>' is used to open the menu for the player ↓
# use like: open <YourMenu> <PlayerName> - open the menu for player .
# this option is not necessary. cause usually playercommand can open most menu plugin's menu for player
: ""

# message sent to player when item was used.
: "§e你打开了服务器主菜单"

;) How can i apply configuration changes &Plugin permissions
-cpcreload : to reload the plugin and apply configuration changes
this command can only be used by op or whoever has permission:
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 106
First Release: Jul 28, 2024
Last Update: Jul 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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