I will now try to be more consistent about these updates and changelogs
- Re-added support for SaberFactions (Works this time!)
- BreakInVein Command now has the optional [<Auto Pickup>] argument to place broken blocks in vein into player's inventory
- If Command now supports using `&&` and ` and ` to separate additional arguments
- SendMessage Command now supports parsing target selectors (@a, @p, @s, @e, @r)
- TempPlayerVar Command now supports parsing target selectors
- RemoveItem Command now has an optional [<Command Separator>] argument to define the character(s) used to split commands
- ReplaceInRadiusIfBlockRelative Command now accepts a single BlockState argument for the <Block To> argument
- Amount placeholder now supports adding `,strict` to the end of placeholder to only check for vanilla items
- Added RemoveItemNBT Command to remove items that match a defined NBT tag
- Added DumpItem placeholder to return the same text as `/paper dumpitem`
- Plugin will no longer crash without LibsDisguises
- Tons of other stuff
Additions New
SendActionBar command
- Format: `/sendactionbar <player> <content>`
- `<content>` argument is Greedy, meaning any text after will be included
- Sends the player an ActionBar message using old color code formatting (&a, &e, &l, &b, &1 etc)
ReplaceRegex Placeholder
- Searches for a regex to be replaced in input string.
- Format: `%stringutils_replaceregex_<input>,<regex>,<replacement>%`
- Example: `%stringutils_replaceregex_Hello World,(H|W),S%` returns `Sello Sorld`
CooldownCommand command new
Argument - Adds a new argument at the front of the command.
- New format: `/cooldowncommand <silent|run|clear|reset|getcd|getcooldown> <player> <id> <ticks> <commands>`
- `silent` will not send the target player a cooldown message if command is on cooldown
- `run` will work as normal
- `clear` and `reset` will reset the cooldown for a command ID. `<ticks>` and `<commands>` not needed for this.
- Running `clear` or `reset` *without* `<id>` will reset *all* cooldowns for a player.
- `getcd` and `getcooldown` will return the cooldown message in chat
- Old alternative format still works: `/cooldowncommand <player> <id> <ticks> <commands>`
Changes SetItem command reworked
- New format: `/setitem <player> <slot> <itemStack> [<material|custommodeldata|attributemodifiers>]`
- Not having final argument will try to merge the provided itemstack's material and metadata as much as possible
- Providing final argument will specifically only merge the specified argument (material, cmdata, etc)