List of Commands in the following format.
Commands Permission #Description
/heal com.heal #Heals the player.
/feed com.feed #Feeds the player.
/regen com.regen #Casts Regeneration on the player for 2 minutes.
/fly #Grants fly mode for the player. input again to deactivate it.
/gmc com.gmc #player mode to Creative.
/gms com.gms #player mode to Survival.
/gmsp com.gmsp #player mode to spectator.
/dawn com.dawn #changes world time to morning.
/day #changes world time to day.
/noon com.noon #changes world time to midday.
/dusk com.dusk #changes world time to evening.
/night com.night #changes world time to midnight.
Implemented in version 0.0.2b
/setspawn com.spawn.set #Sets the world spawn at players location.
/spawn com.spawn.use #Teleports the player to world spawn.
/command com.gui #brings up a GUI for the gamemodes and fly ability.
#Command block is Creative #Beacon is spectator #Oak sapling is Survival #Feather is fly mode on/off.
NOTICE: version 0.0.3c
Updates are now in the Config file. Once loaded open the config.yml to take alook at all the updates. note that nothing needs changing in config yet. #Certain commands may have concequences you may not want, be careful who you give certain permissions to.