Auto Updates
- This version will auto-update when a new version is released. I am using the Bukkit site to update. When a new version is released here, it will take a little while longer to release to Bukkit as it will be checked to ensure it is safe, so versions that auto update will always be checked for your safety.
You can disable these if you don't want it to auto-update, I am adding this as if there is a problem with a version, I will come out with a new version which now, can be fixed by reloading the server
You need to reload the server once to check for a new update and download it and reload again for the update to install.
I hope this is useful, it will help me be sure you guys keep up to date with new fixes, for example, 1.10.2 will mass produce error messages (nothing wrong is happening), with this it will let the program auto-update to a new version without the hassle.
(Any version below this version will not be able to auto-update to this version, this version can auto-update to any version in the future.)