Combat Log Detector Plugin
Version: 1.0.0
Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
Platform: Spigot
Developed with Java 8
The Combat Log Detector plugin helps server administrators detect players who combat log (leave the server during PvP). It provides essential features like combat detection, monitoring combat logs, and integration with Discord for notifications. This plugin doesn't punish or kill players for combat logging, but it provides valuable information to admins.
Key Features:
- Combat Detection:
Tracks player interactions during PvP. Players are tagged as "in combat" for 10 seconds after hitting or being hit.
- Combat Log Detection:
Monitors player activity and detects when players quit during combat. It will not punish or kill the player but will log the event for admin review.
- Discord Integration:
Sends real-time notifications to Discord using webhooks when a player combat logs. The message includes:
- Player name
- World name
- Coordinates (X, Y, Z)
- The plugin's Discord webhook URL can be configured in the config.yml file.
- When the plugin is first installed, the config.yml file will be generated, where you can add your Discord webhook URL.
- Place the JAR file in the plugins folder of your Spigot server.
- Start the server to generate the config.yml file.
- Open the config.yml file and add your Discord webhook URL.
- Restart the server to apply the settings.
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
- API: Spigot 1.16.5 (Compatible with most Minecraft servers)
- Java Version: Java 8
This plugin is open-source and free to use. Contributions are welcome!