== v1.2 ==
+ Added a new folder-name option in config.yml to customize the name of the folder where exported files are saved.
+ Defaults to exported database if left blank or not set.
+ Automatically validates and updates the configuration to prevent issues if the setting is missing or invalid.
+ Implemented logic to save the total playtime and votes of online players when the server shuts down, ensuring no data loss.
- Updated the command-export-success message to include the dynamic folder path using the folder-name configuration setting.
- Resolved an issue where comments in config.yml would duplicate upon plugin reload.
- Improved handling when NuVotifier or another voting plugin is not present.
- Vote-related features are now gracefully disabled, and only a single warning message is logged.
- Ensured proper database cleanup during server shutdown.
- Fixed data loss by syncing in-memory data (playtime and votes) to the database before closing connections.
- Streamlined the process of validating and updating configuration settings.
- Improved reusability of code for handling missing or invalid configuration entries.
- Refactored PlayerTrackingListener to ensure clean and consistent handling of join and quit events for tracked players.