MiningCoin Plugin
MiningCoin is a Bukkit plugin where players can earn coins by breaking certain blocks.
In the configuration settings, you can specify the type and amount of blocks to be broken and select a world to earn coins based only on the breaks in that world.
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Code (Text):
- `/coin`: Displays the total amount of coins a player has.
- `/coin send <player> <amount>`: Sends a certain amount of coins to a specific player.
- `/coin add <player> <amount>`: Adds a certain amount to the coin balance of a specific player.
- `/coin remove <player> <amount>`: Removes a certain amount from the coin balance of a specific player.
- `/coin leaderboard`: Displays a leaderboard of players with the highest amount of coins.
- `/coinreload`: Reloads the plugin configuration files.
Code (Text):
- `tcoin.use`: Permission to use the `/coin send` command.
- `tcoin.admin`: Permission to use all coin commands
Code (Text):
1. Upload the plugin to your server and restart it.
2. Customize the plugin configuration files as needed.
3. Grant the necessary permissions to players and/or groups.
Code (Text):
The plugin can be configured via the `config.yml` file. This file contains various options such as block breakage, coin amounts, messages, and other settings.