Fixed problems with certain MySQL settings/plugins, which require primary keys for all tables. These changes will only be applied if the tables are newly generated
With this update users of the free Party and Friends for BungeeCord version will be correctly informed during boot up, that the extended version of Party and Friends is needed to use clans
Added the Placeholderapi placeholder %clantagprovider_clantag%, %clantagprovider_clantag_custom_design% (This placeholder can be customized in the config under "PlaceholderCustomDesign") and %clantagprovider_clanname%
If General.SetDisplayNames is not disabled the displayname for players will now be set
Fixed a problem with SQLite in combination with clanadmin
Fixed a problem which could occur when the party feature was disabled in party and friends
This update fixes some bugs which are caused by the spigot compatibility api
To fix these problems the 1.13 the plugin now uses the native instead of the compatibility api. If you created addons for clans you might need to update them to make sure they are still working with this update when 1.13 is used
Added the interface de.simonsator.partyandfriends.clan.api.RankedStat. It can be implemented into new Stats, so that when the update for the /clan top command is released those stats are supporting the new command
Changed the API of clans. Now it is easier to add clan-stats (clan-stats are the thing you see when you execute /clan stats) (now it is very easy). To show you how to do that I created an example repo on GitHub. For a few popular minigames I will create a clan-stat by myself. If you want a clan-stats for a popular minigame just write to me and I will look at it.
Added a message, which is output on join, which says: &7To accept an invitation, use the command &5/clan join&7. To decline an invitation, use &5/clan decline&7.
Fixed issue #3
Fixed that it was output that the player is not in the clan even when he was in the clan, but not when he was not in the clan
FIxed issue #5
Renamed identifier Create.NameToLong to General.NameTooLong and General.TagToLong to General.TagTooLong