CityBuild System is a versatile utility plugin for citybuild server management which has many commands, playtime, scoreboard and much more.
Economy-System: A robust virtual currency system that allows players to spend, and trade money.
Bank-System: Fully functional banking system allowing players to deposit and withdraw money. Players can earn periodic interest on the money they keep in the bank.
Tracking Playtime: Logs and tracks player playtime across the server. Playtime stats can be displayed to players in their scoreboard or via command.
GUI for Homes, Bank: Easy-to-use, intuitive GUI for managing homes, teleports, and bank transactions. Visual overview of all stored homes with teleportation options.
Withdraw money:
Deposit money:
SQL-Lite, MySQL-Support: Full support for both SQLite (local database) and MySQL (remote database) to store player data. Choose your preferred database solution with seamless integration in the config.
Caching-System: To enhance performance, frequently accessed data (e.g., player balances, playtime, etc.) is cached to reduce database queries.
Async Database Requests: All database interactions are handled asynchronously to prevent server lag.
Configuration Settings: Fully customizable config files allowing you to tweak every aspect of the plugin, from economy rules to GUIs.
Language-System: Full multi-language support for English, German, and Spanish. All in-game messages, GUIs, and notifications are fully translated into the selected language. Easy-to-extend language files for adding support for additional languages or customizing translations.
Regular Updating: The plugin is constantly updated with bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.
Supports many versions: 1.13 – 1.21
Many Commands (listed below)
MOTD: Customized message when a player pings the server.
Vanish: Enhanced vanish system with silent-chest-opening, prevent players from picking up items. Players are completely invisible
Scoreboard: Dynamic, customizable scoreboard displaying relevant player stats (balance, playtime, bank, etc.).
Maintenance: Activate maintenance mode to temporarily disable player access while performing server updates or plugin changes.
Commands and Permissions
- /gamemode (0,1,2,3) or /gm [mode] Change the player's own game mode. | cbsystem.gamemode
- /gamemode (0,1,2,3) [player] Change another player's game mode. | cbsystem.gamemode.other
- /fly - Toggle fly mode for the player. |
- /fly [player] - Toggle fly mode for another player. |
- /heal - Heal the player. | cbsystem.heal
- /heal [player] - Heal another player. | cbsystem.heal.other
- /feed Feed the player. | cbsystem.feed
- /feed [player] - Feed another player. | cbsystem.feed.other
- /trash - Opens the trash interface. | cbsystem.trash
- /head - Give the player their own head. | cbsystem.head
- /head [player] - Give another player's head. | cbsystem.head.other
- /enderchest or /ec - Opens the player's ender chest. |
- /ec [player] - View another player's ender chest. |
- /invsee [player] - View another player's inventory. | cbsystem.invsee
- /speed [value] - Change the player's movement speed. | cbsystem.speed
- /speed [value] [player] - Change another player's movement speed. | cbsystem.speed.other
- /give [item] - Give items to the player. | cbsystem.give
- /broadcast [message] - Send a server-wide announcement. | cbsystem.broadcast
- /slowchat - Toggle slow chat mode. | cbsystem.slowchat
- /money - Check the player's balance. |
- /pay [player] [amount] - Pay another player. |
- /money [player] - Check another player's balance. |
- /eco - Economy management commands. |
- /bank - Access the player's bank account. |
- /spawn - Teleport the player to spawn. | cbsystem.spawn
- /setspawn - Set the server's spawn point. | cbsystem.setspawn
- /warp [warpname] - Teleport to a warp point. | cbsystem.warp
- /setwarp [warpname] - Set a warp point. | cbsystem.setwarp
- /delwarp [warpname] - Delete a warp point. | cbsystem.delwarp
- /tpo [player] - Teleport to another player. | cbsystem.tpo
- /tphere [player] - Teleport another player to your location. | cbsystem.tphere
- /tpa [player] - Send a teleport request to another player. | cbsystem.tpa
- /tpahere [player] - Send a request for a player to teleport to you. | cbsystem.tpahere
- /tpaccept - Accept a teleport request. | cbsystem.tpaccept
- /tpadeny - Deny a teleport request. | cbsystem.tpadeny
- /tpatoggle - Toggle teleport requests on or off. | cbsystem.tpatoggle
- /playtime - Check the player's playtime. | cbsystem.playtime
- /playtime [player] - Check another player's playtime. | cbsystem.playtime.other
- /clear - Clear the player's inventory. | cbsystem.clear
- /clear [player] - Clear another player's inventory. | cbsystem.clear.other
- /vanish - Make the player invisible to others. | cbsystem.vanish
- /vanish [player] - Make another player invisible. | cbsystem.vanish.other
- /maintenance - Toggle server maintenance mode. | cbsystem.maintenance
- /sign Sign an item. | cbsystem.sign
- /meta - Edit item metadata like enchantments, lore, and name. | cbsystem.meta
- /sudo [player] [command] - Execute a command as another player. | cbsystem.sudo
- /discord - Display the Discord link. | cbsystem.discord
- /youtube - Display the YouTube link. |
- /home - Teleport to the player's home. | cbsystem.home
- /sethome - Set the player's home location. | cbsystem.sethome
- /teamchat - Enable team chat. | cbsystem.teamchat
- /message [player] [message] - Send a private message. | cbsystem.message
- /respond - Respond to the last private message. | cbsystem.respond
- /spawnentity [entity] - Spawn entities in the world. | cbsystem.spawnentity
- /reload - Reload the CBSystem plugin. | cbsystem.reload
- /restart - Restart the server. | cbsystem.restart
Other permissions:
cbsystem.gamemode.*: Access to all gamemodes
cbsystem.gamemode.survival: access to survival mode
cbsystem.gamemode.creative: access to creative mode
cbsystem.gamemode.spectator: access to spectator mode
cbsystem.gamemode.adventure: access to adventure mode
cbsystem.invsee.take: Allows players to take items from the inventory
cbsystem.vanish.see: Allows players to see invisible players
Code (YAML):
# language used in the plugin language: "EN" prefix: "&6&lCbSystem &8» " maintenance: false
# delay when slow chat is enabled slow-chat-seconds: 3
scoreboard: true
start-balance: 100
tpa-expiration-seconds: 30
# percent of interest the players earns every day from the bank account bank-interest-percent: 1.0
can-pickup-items: false
silent-chest-opening: true
action-bar-message: true
default-unlocked-homes: 3
price-per-home: 10000
increasing-price-per-home: 1000
enabled: true
max-players: 20
line-1: " &6CityBuild Server" line-2: " &c1.13 - 1.21" maintenance:
line-1: " &6CityBuild Server" line-2: " &cWartungsarbeiten" mysql:
enabled: false
database: "" user: "root" host: "localhost" password: "" port: "3306"
Placeholders %cbsystem_bank% - Get the bank balance of the player %cbsystem_money% - Get the money balance of the player %cbsystem_playtime% - Get the formatted playtime of the player