Thank you for your review! I am currently updating the config.yml file to include an option that allows users to enable or disable informational messages. This will be available in version v1.0.6.
Version: 1.0.5
Hello developer, I come from China and am currently preparing for my World Chinese Forum MCDD (mcdd. cn). Seeing your high-quality plugin has greatly inspired us. We sincerely invite you to join MCDD to allow more Chinese users to experience your plugin. Due to some policy limitations, ordinary Chinese users may not be able to learn about SpigotMC.
If you agree to join, we will handle the transportation of your plugin to, provide free Chinese translation, and transfer the resources to your name.
If you find it inconvenient, we can also simply move your plugin and indicate that it is being moved, along with the original author and post address
We look forward to your reply