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ChestInspect -----

A plugin to toggle chest inspection mode for players/Staff



is a plugin that enables players to inspect the contents of chests without making any modifications. Players can toggle an inspection mode to view a chest’s inventory, but they are unable to alter its contents unless granted the necessary permissions. This plugin is especially useful for staff members, as it allows server owners to grant permissions for staff to view chests in specific areas. Additionally, staff can control modifications, ensuring that players cannot take or alter items without permission. It also bypasses protection plugins, enabling chest inspections anywhere on the server, making it a powerful tool for monitoring suspicious activity.

  • Inspect Chests: Players can view the contents of chests by right-clicking on them while in inspection mode.
  • Permission-based Actions: Players need specific permissions to enable chest inspection mode
  • Prevents Modifications: By default, players cannot modify the chest's contents while inspecting. They need additional permissions to be able to modify the contents.
  • Support for Double Chests: The plugin handles double chests and will display both sides of the chest when a player interacts with either half.
  • /chestinspect
    • Usage: /chestinspect
    • Description: Toggles chest inspection mode for the player. When enabled, the player can right-click on chests to inspect their contents.
    • Permissions: chestinspect.toggle / chestinspect.use
    /chestinspect reload
    • Usage: /chestinspect reload
    • Description: Reloads the language files for the plugin, applying any updates made to the language configuration without requiring a server restart.
    • Permissions: chestinspect.reload
    /chestinspect help
    • Usage: /chestinspect help
    • Description: Displays a help menu with available commands and their usage.
    • Permissions: None (accessible to all players).
  • chestinspect.toggle / chestinspect.use
    • Description: Allows players to toggle chest inspection mode on or off.
    • Default: OP (or admin users).
    • Usage: Players with this permission can use the /chestinspect command to enable or disable chest inspection mode.
    • Description: Allows players to inspect the chest contents without modifying them. This permission can be used to differentiate between inspection and modification rights.
    • Default: All players can inspect, but modification requires the chestinspect.modify permission.
    • Description: Allows players to reload the language files using the /chestinspect reload command.
    • Default: OP (or admin users).
How to Use the Plugin
  1. Toggle Chest Inspection Mode:
    • Players can toggle the chest inspection mode using the /chestinspect command.
    • When chest inspection mode is enabled, the player can right-click any chest to open it and view its contents.
    • Players who do not have the chestinspect.toggle permission will not be able to use the command.
  2. Inspect Chests:
    • When chest inspection mode is enabled, players can right-click on chests (including trapped chests and double chests) to open them.
    • The chest’s inventory will open, and the player can see the contents without being able to modify anything.
  3. Double Chest Support:
    • If a player right-clicks one side of a double chest, both sides will be opened, allowing them to inspect the full double chest inventory.
Example Configuration in Permissions (for permissions plugin like PermissionsEx or LuckPerms)


Code (YAML):
  - chestinspect.toggle
   - chestinspect.reload

  • chestinspect.toggle allows toggling inspection mode.
  • chestinspect.reload reload language file
Language File Configuration

The plugin supports language customization, allowing you to change messages for various actions (e.g., when inspection is enabled/disabled or when permissions are denied). The default language file is stored in plugins/ChestInspect/lang/en.yml.

Example messages in the language file:


Code (YAML):

: "§cThis command can only be used by players."
: "§cYou do not have permission to use this command."
: "§aChest inspection mode enabled. Right-click a chest to inspect it."
: "§cChest inspection mode disabled."
: "§eInspecting chest contents..."
: "§cYou cannot modify the chest contents while inspecting!"
: "§aPlugin reloaded."
: "§e§lDouble Chest Preview"
: "§e§lChest Preview"


You can edit the en.yml file to customize the messages shown to players.

How to Install and Use the Plugin
  1. Download the Plugin:
    • Download the ChestInspect plugin .jar file and place it in your server’s plugins folder.
  2. Start the Server:
    • Restart or reload your server to load the plugin.
  3. Configure Permissions:
    • If you are using a permissions plugin (e.g., PermissionsEx, LuckPerms, etc.), ensure you set up the permissions (chestinspect.toggle, chestinspect.modify) as described in the configuration example.
  4. Test the Plugin:
    • Use the /chestinspect command to toggle inspection mode.
    • Ensure that players can inspect chests and, if they have the right permission, modify them.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 53
First Release: Dec 17, 2024
Last Update: Dec 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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