CherryPay icon

CherryPay -----

The ultimate Cash & Card economy system with Chest-Shops

The ultimate Cash & Card economy system with Chest-Shops.
(Requires MySQL Database) (BETA)

About CherryPay
  • CherryPay is an economy plugin for Bukkit, Spigot and Paper servers that uses Emeralds as the currency, including a paying command, a Chest-Shop system and ATMs for cash out and deposit emeralds.
  • CherryPay is in an early beta state so some things may not work or are buggy.


  • CherryPay uses the MySQL Database system to store the card information and balance for every player. Therefore, you need an own MySQL server. Otherwise the plugin will not work.
  • A Bukkit, Spigot or Paper server is required to run the plugin. Other server implementations may not work.
  1. Download the latest version of CherryPay and put it into your plugins folder.
  2. (Soon no longer necessary): Inside your database, create a table with the following columns:
    owner (STRING)
    id (STRING)
    money (INTEGER)
  3. Start the server and configure the MySQL connection in plugins/CherryPay/config.yml
  4. Restart the server (You can also /reload the server, but it's not recommended)

How things work
  • Commands
    /cherrypay createcard: Creates a new CherryPay-Card (Like a debit card).
    - Permission: cherrypay.createcard
    /cherrypay balance: Checks the balance of the card the player holds in hand.
    - Permission: cherrypay.balance
    /cherrypay pay: <player> <amount>: Pays a player a specific amount of emeralds.
    - Permission:
    /cherrypay createsale: <article> <amount> <price>: Creates a Chest-Shop sign.
    - Permission: cherrypay.createsale
    /cherrypay createatm: <deposit|cash>: Creates an ATM interaction sign.
    - Permission: cherrypay.createatm
    /ccard: Gives the player his own CherryPay-Card.

  • Functions
    Chest-Shop: You can create a Chest-Shop sign and define a custom article name (like Burger). The article name is independent of the actual item that will be sold. When you right-click the sign with a CherryPay-Card, you buy the item that is inside the chest.
    ATM: You can build your own ATM in Minecraft and put the ATM signs at your ATM.
    - Deposit: The Deposit-ATM sign must be placed at a chest. The player fills up the chest with emeralds and right-clicks the sign with a CherryPay Card.
    - Cash: The player right-clicks the Cash-Out-ATM sign and enters in chat how much he likes to cash out.
Features coming in the future
  • More configuration options
  • Automatic table creation in database
  • Multi-Language support
  • Block protection for Chest-Shop chest and signs
  • Optional Web-Interface like PayPal
  • It's important to say that CherryPay is in an early beta state so some things may not work properly or are buggy. If you found a bug or have any other issue with CherryPay, please write a post in the discussion tab and describe the issue in as much detail as possible. Depending on what the problem is and how quickly it is solved, an update will come as soon as possible.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 28
First Release: Jan 26, 2025
Last Update: Jan 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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