#Brodcast voucher use to server?
broadcast: true
#Use %player% for player name, %voucher% for the voucher used and %nl% for a new line.
broadcast-voucher-use: '&a%player% &fhas used a %voucher%&f voucher!'
#Discord Webhook Log:
#Enable discord webhook logs?
log-to-webhook: false
#Webhook url
webhook: 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/'
#Webhook Message, use %player% for player name and %voucher% for the voucher used
webhook-message: '**%player%** has used a **%voucher%** voucher!'
# Valid placeholders are %prefix%, %player% and %nl%
no-permission: '&cNo permission!'
less-than-one-arg: '%prefix%Please enter more than one argument!'
player-not-found: '%prefix%&4ERROR! &fPlayer not found or offline.'
error-player-not-found: '%prefix%&4ERROR! &fPlayer not found or offline.'
config-reload: '%prefix%&fYou reloaded the config!'
not-valid-lp-group: '%prefix%&4ERROR! &fThat is not a valid LuckPerms group!'
received-voucher: '%prefix%&fYou have received 1x %voucher% &frank voucher.' # %voucher% for voucher name and %player% for giving player
given-voucher: '%prefix%%voucher%&fVoucher successfully given to &a%player%&f.' # %voucher% for voucher name and %player% for target name
you-have-redeemed: '%prefix%&fYou have redeemed a %voucher%&frank voucher!' # %voucher% for voucher name
voucher-already-used: '%prefix%&4ERROR! &fThis voucher has already been used. Please contact staff!'
already-higher-rank: '%prefix%&4ERROR! &fYou already have a higher rank!'
#Voucher Settings:
voucher-item-type: 'PAPER'
# Valid placeholders are %prefix%, %nl%, %voucher%
voucher-item-name: '%voucher%&8| &fRank Voucher'
voucher-item-lore: '&7Right-Click to redeem this %voucher%&7rank voucher.'