ChatPolice | 1.21.1 SUPPORT! | icon

ChatPolice | 1.21.1 SUPPORT! | -----

A simple plugin to monitor, police, and log chat & command events. | Now supporting Folia Support |



`/chatpolice chatlist` - Opens the chat offences GUI.
`/chatpolice commandlist` - Opens the command offences GUI.
`/chatpolice reload` - Reloads the config.yml & messages.yml.
`/chatpolice mute` - Open the mute player GUI.
`/chatpolice unmute` - Open the unmute player GUI.



`chatpolice.*` - Access to all plugin features. (Granted to OP by default)
`chatpolice.command.*` - Access to all plugin commands.
`` - Access to use chat info GUI.
`chatpolice.command.command` - Access to use command info GUI.
`chatpolice.command.mute` - Access to use the Mute GUI.
`chatpolice.command.unmute` - Access to use the Unmute GUI.
`chatpolice.reload` - Use the `/chatpolice reload` command.
`chatpolice.update` - See in game notifications about new plugin updates.
`chatpolice.bypass.*` - Bypass all of the chat and command listeners.
`chatpolice.bypass.capsblock` - Bypass the capital letters checker.
`chatpolice.bypass.chatblock` - Bypass the chat block listener.
`chatpolice.bypass.commandblock` - Bypass the command block listener.
`chatpolice.bypass.chatblock.<word>` - Bypass this SPECIFIC blocked word only.
`chatpolice.bypass.commandblock.<command>` - Bypass this SPECIFIC blocked command only.
`chatpolice.notify.*` - If enabled, get notified when a player gets blocked.
`*` - Ability to use all GUI features.
`` - Ability to use the GUI kick system.
`` - Ability to use the GUI TP system.
`` - Ability to use the GUI mute system.
`` - Ability to use the GUI unmute system.
`` - Ability to use the GUI log delete system.
`chatpolice.punish.*` - Ability to use all punishments.
`chatpolice.punish.mute` - Ability to the mute players using internal system.



Currently there are only 3 place holders available:
  • `%chatPolice_chatOffenceAmount%`
  • `%chatPolice_muteListSize%`
  • `%chatPolice_isPlayerMuted%`
There are plans to add more in the future to be able to show more info about the offences.

Please note: For the above to function, the latest release of PlaceholderAPI must be installed.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 11
First Release: Apr 9, 2022
Last Update: Jul 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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