ChatMOTD icon

ChatMOTD -----

Welcome your players to your server with a chat MOTD which can be set with a command.

This plugin is very simple, it allows players to view a message that you have set when they join the server. The idea was based on this post:
(4) Looking for a chat MOTD (welcome message) plugin : admincraft (

`/setchatmotd &6message to set to` - chatmotd.set
`/motd` - Show the MOTD (when a player runs it)

That's it, unless you want tellraw JSON support - read below!

This plugin supports tellraw JSON too.
To use the tellraw feature, follow these steps:

    • Create a file called `chatmotd.json` in the ChatMOTD plugin directory.
    • Paste the exact JSON for your tell raw command, eg, the bit after the selector in the vanilla tellraw command.
    • If the `chatmotd.json` file is present, it will override the motd in `chatmotd.txt`. You also can't use `/setchatmotd` when the plugin is using `chatmotd.json` as Minecraft chat doesn't support enough characters to paste all the JSON in correctly. You must just edit the file directly.
You can use a tellraw generator like this one.

You can also disable the MOTD from showing to the player when they join by enabling `
disable_motd_on_join` in `config.yml`.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 337
First Release: Mar 20, 2022
Last Update: Aug 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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