Hello everyone! A user informed me about an issue they were experiencing with the plugin, and I discovered that it was due to the Java version I was using for development. I've decided to lower the version to Java 21. If you're using Java 22, there's no need to update to this version of the plugin. I also fix the bug for chatclear not showing the message.
Please note that this plugin is designed for Minecraft version 1.21+ and has not been tested for lower versions. Thanks so much, and have a great week!
If you're experiencing any other issues, please feel free to contact me on Spigot or Discord. Thanks so much!
I wanted to add simple commands like /discord, /website, and /store to the original plugin. I initially planned to include them but forgot to do so (oops!). They've now been added. If you have any feature requests for future updates, feel free to let me know. Thanks!
+ /Discord - Shows discord link
+ /Website - Shows Website link
+ /Store - Shows store link
I'm thrilled to share that the latest version of our plugin is now available for Minecraft 1.21.1! This update is packed with exciting new features and enhancements that we've been working hard to deliver.
One of the major highlights is a complete rewrite of the plugin's code, which has significantly improved its performance. The configuration file has also received a major overhaul, making it more intuitive and easier to customize.
We've added several new features that weren't available before, and we're confident that this update will provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience for everyone.
As always, your feedback is invaluable. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any suggestions, bug reports, or comments. We're eager to hear what you think!
What does ChatManager 9 V1.0 add?
+ ChatClear + StaffChat + Custom Help Pages + Censorship + AntiSpam + AdPrevention + In Chat Color Codes + Config Reload + Player Mute + Welcome Message + AutoBroadCast + Player BroadCast + Lock and unLock Chat
The front page has been updated with all permission and commands go check it out!
I Fix most of the problems with the plugin! Still adding in the GUI for this plugin planning on finish the plugin before 6/20/19 thanks for all the support!