ChatImage - Send images in Minecraft! icon

ChatImage - Send images in Minecraft! -----

A simple plugin to send pictures in chat. — Supports DiscordSRV and PlaceholderAPI.

Regenerate your config.yml when you update!

+ Switched to api4ai for NSFW content filtration since is no longer active.
  • You no longer need an API key to enable content filtration—it works out of the box once it's enabled in the config!
* Fixed error on BungeeCord where a player's locale can sometimes be null.
* Updated DiscordSRV and PlaceholderAPI to their latest versions.
- Removed bad word filtration since it is not included in api4ai and has very low demand.
----------, Feb 23, 2025

* Corrected the command names used in the es_es.yml messages file. Please regenerate this file to update it.

Thank you @LuisBazan for contributing PR #5 :)
----------, Aug 4, 2024

Updated to Java 17 — Minecraft 1.16 support dropped!

+ Added Velocity support.
  • Only install ChatImage on Velocity if you're using a form of global chat. Otherwise, install this on each sub-server.
+ Updated to Java 17.
+ Added Polish and Korean messages.
----------, May 30, 2024

Regenerate your config.yml when you update!

+ Added several message translations in the following languages: German, Chinese, Finnish, Spanish, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese

+ Added language_default setting in config.yml
  • The language will automatically adjust for each player based on their settings. The language_default will only be used if they are using an unprovided language.
  • You can add your own language translations to the messages folder. Consider sharing them on the Discussions page or on GitHub! :)
  • The old messages.yml file will be converted to en_us.yml in the messages folder. You don't need to do anything unless you translated your messages.yml to another language. In this case, please change the file to the respective language code and then a new en_us.yml file will be generated on reload.
----------, May 22, 2024

+ Added support for EssentialsDiscord. This functionality behaves the same as DiscordSRV—image links and attachments sent from Discord are rendered in Minecraft chat.
----------, May 11, 2024

* Fixed a bug where Discord images weren't sending because parameters after the file extension were removed. This also fixes any images that require parameters after the extension.

Note: If you use Imgur and you're noticing that direct image links are no longer sending, it seems that Imgur is now redirecting direct image urls to the regular site and thus the image can't be retrieved. Try other sites like for now.
----------, Mar 18, 2024

+ Added %chatimage_image% placeholder where you can insert images anywhere with PlaceholderAPI. See the Placeholder Usage section for more details.
  • %chatimage_image: <name> [text]%
  • %chatimage_image: <url> [smooth] [trim] [width] [height] [text]%
+ Added support for placeholders in the /chatimage send text parameter.
- Removed uniform font pixels because their width has been altered in Minecraft 1.20 resulting in broken images.
  • This change is hardly noticeable and only affects images with partial transparency.
  • If you have saved images with partial transparency, you will need to delete and save the image again to remove the problematic pixels.
----------, Jan 17, 2024

Regenerate your messages.yml when you update!

+ Added the option to send all players an image. Example usage:
  • /chatimage send all <url>
* Fixed a bug where attempting to send an image to an offline player would not send the intended error message in chat.
----------, Jan 5, 2024

* Fixed a bug where preferences were not being saved correctly if there were multiple users in the player_preferences.yml file.
----------, Apr 30, 2023

Regenerate your messages.yml when you update!

You can now save images as JSON files and send them later without the extra latency of retrieving images from the internet.

+ Added the following sub-commands:
  • /chatimage save <name> <url> [smooth] [trim] [width] [height]
  • /chatimage delete <name>
  • /chatimage send <player> <name> [text]
----------, Apr 27, 2023

Regenerate your config.yml and messages.yml when you update!

+ Added hidden images that can be hovered over to view. Can be enabled server-wide or per-player.
+ Clicking on an image opens the image link in browser.
* Replaced /ignoreimages with /hideimages and /showimages


If your plugin folder has ignoring.yml, it will be automatically converted to the new player_preferences.yml file.
----------, Apr 26, 2023

The code has been completely rewritten from the ground up. Everything on the user end (including configs, commands, appearance, etc.) should be exactly the same aside from the following changes:

+ Added "default" as an option for /chatimage send tab-completion.
+ Improved file save handling for ignoring.yml
+ The project is now open sourced here.

I highly recommend updating to this version; support has been dropped for previous versions. Note that you do not need to regenerate any of the files.

Please let me know if you encounter any issues!
----------, Apr 19, 2023

+ Added an API for plugin developers. Find the documentation at the bottom of the main plugin page.
----------, Jan 3, 2022

* Fixes a bug causing /ignoreimages to only work for the sender of the image.
----------, Dec 21, 2021

* Fixed a bug where images directly uploaded to Discord would not render in Minecraft chat.
----------, Oct 14, 2021

+ Added support for DiscordSRV. Image URLs will be read the same as if they were sent in chat!
----------, Sep 8, 2021

* Fixed an issue where certain image links wouldn't work for certain servers.
----------, Sep 5, 2021

Regenerate your messages.yml to update command usage!

+ Added the [text] argument to /chatimage. This will display text to the right of the image. Supports color codes and line breaks (\n).
* Fixed a bug in which messages that should have been removed were not removed due to the cooldown.

/chatimage send ChickenSaysBak true true 35 20 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n &r &r &r &r &r &r &r &4&lYOU\n &r &r &r &r &r &r &4&lDIED!!
----------, Sep 3, 2021

Please regenerate your config.yml to use the features introduced in this update!

+ Explicit content filter
+ Bad words filter
+ bStats
----------, Sep 2, 2021

+ Added /ignoreimages
+ Added messages.yml
+ Added debug mode
* Improved tab-completion for player names
----------, Aug 31, 2021

* This fixes a bug where the plugin would check for URLs sent in commands in addition to normal chat for BungeeCord.
----------, Aug 31, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,447
First Release: Aug 30, 2021
Last Update: Feb 23, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings