Huge update - MySql support, Huge config, new Command & more!
New big update
Hey guys,
so finally I found some time to work on ChatColor+ and I'm happy to announce a huge new update.
Alot changed because I recoded the whole plugin(even with permissions and so on, so everyone should read this.)
f you use pex groups you should use VAULT as well!
New features:
+ updated for Minecraft 1.11.2
+ MySql Support
+ New /chatcolor set <Player> <color> command!
+ New /namecolor set <Player> <color> command!
+ Big Config (you can change even the items in the gui)
+ Bug fixes (like /chatcolor reset etc.)
+ All commands can be executed in the Console
You have multiple server and want to connect those? So if a Player changes his ChatColor it changes on all Servers?
No problem, here you go!
Just connect your Servers with a MySql Database. You will now find a Mysql.yml where you can put in all the Data from the MySql Server
ChatColor set / NameColor set:
First about because I recoded the whole Plugin the Command /chatcolor reset <Player> (or /namecolor ...) does work now again.
All commands do work for the console now as well! You can now set Players chat or name colors as well!
just use /chatcolor set Chemmic &e
and it will change Chemmic's ChatColor to yellow. (same for namecolor ofc.)
NOTE: You now need namecolor.use & chatcolor.use to use the standart /namecolor or /chatcolor command! more about the Permission system later .
Huge config:
You can now change EVERYTHING.
You can change the items in the guis and all messages
Code (Text):
TitleMain: '&eMix-Color'
Obfuscated: '171:1'
Bold: '171:2'
Strikethrough: '171:3'
Underline: '171:4'
Italic: '171:5'
Obfuscated: '&6Obfuscated'
Bold: '&6Bold'
Strikethrough: '&6Strikethrough'
Underline: '&6Underline'
Italic: '&6Italic'
Obfuscated: '&eObfuscate your ChatColor!'
Bold: '&eMix your ChatColor with Bold'
Strikethrough: '&eStrikethrough your ChatColor!'
Underline: '&eMix your ChatColor with Underline!'
Italic: '&eMix your ChatColor with Italic!'
Obfuscated: '&k'
Bold: '&l'
Strikethrough: '&m'
Underline: '&n'
Italic: '&o'
COLOR: '&r'
ColorChanged: '&aYou have changed your ChatColor back to &enormal &a!'
NameColorChanged: '&aYou have changed your NameColor back to &enormal &a!'
ID: '20'
Color: '&4Click to reset your ChatColor!'
NameColor: '&4Click to reset your NameColor!'
Color: Change your ChatColor back to normal
NameColor: Change your NameColor back to normal
Active: true
BLUE: '35:3'
BLACK: '35:15'
DARK_BLUE: '35:11'
DARK_GREEN: '35:13'
DARK_AQUA: '35:9'
DARK_RED: '171:14'
DARK_PURPLE: '35:10'
GOLD: '171:4'
GRAY: '35:8'
DARK_GRAY: '35:7'
GREEN: '35:5'
AQUA: '171:9'
RED: '171:14'
YELLOW: '35:4'
WHITE: '35:0'
BLUE: '35:3'
BLACK: '35:15'
DARK_BLUE: '35:11'
DARK_GREEN: '35:13'
DARK_AQUA: '35:9'
DARK_RED: '171:14'
DARK_PURPLE: '35:10'
GOLD: '171:4'
GRAY: '35:8'
DARK_GRAY: '35:7'
GREEN: '35:5'
AQUA: '171:9'
RED: '171:14'
YELLOW: '35:4'
WHITE: '35:0'
test: this is just a test
Bla: another test
noperm: '&cYou don''t have permissions to use this Command!'
ColorInv: '&6Choose your ChatColor:'
Normal: '&6You changed your ChatColor to%colorID% %colorName% &6!'
Mixed: '&6You changed your ChatColor to%colorID% %colorName% &6mixed with %colorMixed%&6!'
BLUE: '&9blue'
BLACK: '&0black'
DARK_BLUE: '&1dark blue'
DARK_GREEN: '&2dark green'
DARK_AQUA: '&3dark aqua'
DARK_RED: '&4dark red'
DARK_PURPLE: '&5dark purple'
GOLD: '&6gold'
GRAY: '&7gray'
DARK_GRAY: '&8dark gray'
GREEN: '&agreen'
AQUA: '&baqua'
RED: '&cred'
LIGHT_PURPLE: '&dlight purple'
YELLOW: '&eyellow'
WHITE: '&fwhite'
BLUE: '&9Change your ChatColor to blue'
BLACK: '&0Change your ChatColor to black'
DARK_BLUE: '&1Change your ChatColor to dark blue'
DARK_GREEN: '&2Change your ChatColor to dark green'
DARK_AQUA: '&3Change your ChatColor to dark aqua'
DARK_RED: '&4Change your ChatColor to dark red'
DARK_PURPLE: '&5Change your ChatColor to dark purple'
GOLD: '&6Change your ChatColor to gold'
GRAY: '&7Change your ChatColor to gray'
DARK_GRAY: '&8Change your ChatColor to dark gray'
GREEN: '&aChange your ChatColor to green'
AQUA: '&bChange your ChatColor to aqua'
RED: '&cChange your ChatColor to red'
LIGHT_PURPLE: '&dChange your ChatColor to light purple'
YELLOW: '&eChange your ChatColor to yellow'
WHITE: '&fChange your ChatColor to white'
test: this is just a test
Bla: another test
noperm: '&cYou don''t have permissions to use this Command!'
ColorInv: '&6Choose your NameColor:'
Normal: '&6You changed your NameColor to%colorID% %colorName% &6!'
Mixed: '&6You changed your NameColor to%colorID% %colorName% &6mixed with %colorMixed%&6!'
BLUE: '&9blue'
BLACK: '&0black'
DARK_BLUE: '&1dark blue'
DARK_GREEN: '&2dark green'
DARK_AQUA: '&3dark aqua'
DARK_RED: '&4dark red'
DARK_PURPLE: '&5dark purple'
GOLD: '&6gold'
GRAY: '&7gray'
DARK_GRAY: '&8dark gray'
GREEN: '&agreen'
AQUA: '&baqua'
RED: '&cred'
LIGHT_PURPLE: '&dlight purple'
YELLOW: '&eyellow'
WHITE: '&fwhite'
BLUE: '&9Change your NameColor to blue'
BLACK: '&0Change your NameColor to black'
DARK_BLUE: '&1Change your NameColor to dark blue'
DARK_GREEN: '&2Change your NameColor to dark green'
DARK_AQUA: '&3Change your NameColor to dark aqua'
DARK_RED: '&4Change your NameColor to dark red'
DARK_PURPLE: '&5Change your NameColor to dark purple'
GOLD: '&6Change your NameColor to gold'
GRAY: '&7Change your NameColor to gray'
DARK_GRAY: '&8Change your NameColor to dark gray'
GREEN: '&aChange your NameColor to green'
AQUA: '&bChange your NameColor to aqua'
RED: '&cChange your NameColor to red'
LIGHT_PURPLE: '&dChange your NameColor to light purple'
YELLOW: '&eChange your NameColor to yellow'
WHITE: '&fChange your NameColor to white'
Code (Text):
namecolor.use - allows you to use /namecolor
chatcolor.use - allows you to use /chatcolor - allows u to right click the main inv to mix ur chatcolor with for example bold - allows u to right click the main inv to mix ur chatcolor with for example bold
namecolor.all - unlocks all NameColors
chatcolor.all - unlucks all ChatColors
For single colors:
the Permissions works like this now.
namecolor.COLOR (like blue,yellow,red, italic, etc.)
same for chatcolor.COLOR
IMPORTANT: About PermissionsEx support: I've added support for PermissionsEx, I havent really tested everything with it yet so it would be nice if I can get some feedback about it. Also if you want me to make ChatColor+ compatible with other Chat Plugins message me via pm