ChatClear icon

ChatClear -----

Clears Gobal Chat


Hello everyone! A user informed me about an issue they were experiencing with the plugin, and I discovered that it was due to the Java version I was using for development. I've decided to lower the version to Java 21. If you're using Java 22, there's no need to update to this version of the plugin.

Please note that this plugin is designed for Minecraft version 1.21+ and has not been tested for lower versions. Thanks so much, and have a great week!
----------, Oct 3, 2024

Updated the Config so it does not show error in console. The reason why it was doing this was because the 25 line was missing #. Thanks for your patience.
----------, Sep 21, 2024

When a player typed /cc, it used to display /island in the chat but still opened the GUI. I've fixed this issue now. I've also added the NoPermission option in the Config.yml.

+ NoPermission Message in config.yml
+ Fixed /CC BUG

Go check out my larger plugin ChatManager 9.
If you need any help we this plugin or want a plugin developed Join our Discord and Message me.
----------, Sep 21, 2024

In this update, I’ve added a new feature in the config.yml that allows you to disable specific messages by simply toggling them off in the configuration. Additionally, I’ve recoded the plugin from scratch to streamline it, reducing the overall codebase while maintaining functionality. The GUI has also been updated with an improved design for a cleaner and more user-friendly experience!

+ Better GUI
+ Better Code
+ Updated Config
+ Updated Permission chatclear.clear

f you have any suggestions or requests for further improvements, feel free to let me know. Thank you!

NOTE: This will be the final update until the next Minecraft Spigot version release. For additional chat features, be sure to check out my ChatManager 9 plugin.
----------, Sep 13, 2024


Hello everyone,

It's been a while since my last update, but I'm excited to announce that I've made the plugin available for Minecraft 1.21.1! The only change in this update is that I've updated the config with the correct information. Just a reminder, the permission to use the command is ChatClear.clear.

Thank you all for your support! If you encounter any bugs, please don't hesitate to contact me.

The Plugin is now native to 1.21.1 please use lower updates for 1.8.8 to 1.16.4 THANKS!
----------, Aug 27, 2024

The Plugin is now native to 1.17 please use lower updates for 1.8.8 to 1.16.4
----------, Jul 2, 2021

Tested on a 1.17 Server. Thanks so much for 700 downloads!
----------, Jul 2, 2021

The ChatClear plugin has been updated to 1.15. If you find any other problems please use a lower version like 2.0 thanks for download ChatClear.
----------, Dec 13, 2019

ChatClear is now a 1.14.4 plugin Finally! I also update the config.yml to be easier to use.

----------, Nov 20, 2019

ChatClear GUI Update!:

I update chat clear to a GUI! If there are any problems with the plugin please message me on discord KolbyGreen#7097.




Thanks for downloading if you need a plugin message me on discord KolbyGreen#7097.
----------, May 4, 2019

I cleaned up the code my the plugin simpler and updated the config. the config is now so simple
----------, Apr 25, 2019

ChatClear is ending today because I released ChatManager 9. I will not be updating this plugin because the ChatManager 9 plugin was the same stuff as this plugin

- removed Staff Chat

Want a better ChatManger plugin CLICK HERE ChatManger 9!!!
----------, Mar 29, 2019

Chat Manager 9 News:
I'm Almost Done with Chat Manager 9 so I Put in the REVERSAL plan.


- Announce
- Custom Commands


+ ChatClear
+ Ccp
+ cc
+ StaffChat

This Plugin Code will be used in the Chat Manager 9!
Made By Developer K.
----------, Sep 14, 2018

So i found a bug. Then i fix it and and set up the the command AA its the new /announce command.


+ /AA <ID>

If there is a problem with the version drop back to. 1.5
----------, Jul 29, 2018

So I Add this in because it would go good with a Chat Manager Plugin and I will be updating this plugin into a Chat Manager when I think its ready too be one. That is why I am updating it everyday. So Today I Add in Announce and Custom Commands. I know Chat Clear and this update is Totally Two Different Plugins but then a Similar but with me Updating this to Chat Manager plugin these work out great.


+ Announce <Name> - This add in /announce <Name> Change in config
+ cccc help - This is the Personal Help Page for you to config
+ cs <CustomCommand> - CustomCommands change in config


+ ChatClear.announce
+ ChatClear.ccccslot1
+ ChatClear.ccccslot2
+ ChatClear.ccccslot3
+ ChatClear.ccccslot4
+ ChatClear.ccccslot5
+ ChatClear.ccccslot6
or being op will give you all permissions

All Commands and Permissions are in the Config

Coming Soon:

Auto Clear Chat
More Advanced Config
Remove the cs From Custom Commands
add Anti Bad Word
Auto Announcer
Admin StaffChat

I might make update daily!
So away's be ready

if there is any Problems Please tell me on Discuss on the Spigot or Discord Page!

Discord link!
----------, Jul 28, 2018

So i updated a the plugin early and i found a bug in the StaffChat part when you leave Color Codes weren't working so i fix that Problems.

+ Fix StaffChat Bugs
----------, Jul 27, 2018

Hello Everyone, Im Here to Annouce that ChatClear now has STAFFCHAT!
Also in one we are going to add in /mute and The Auto Chat Clear


+ StaffChat
+ New HelpPage
+ Advanced Config


/sc - This will put you in StaffChat



Also the config has the commands and Permissions!



This was a small but great update thanks for the downloads and reviews
----------, Jul 27, 2018

So we updated it to 1.13 it will also work for 1.8.8. We are adding in auto chat clear currently, so get ready for ChatClear 1.3 also Check out our Discord for More info and More of my Plugins
----------, Jul 22, 2018

I have recoded the plugin and now has more features!

+ New: player Clear Chat
+ Advanced Config
+ New: Bukkit Color Codes
+ New: Help Page
+ New: Easier Commands

With new features Comes new Commands.

+ cc - Clears Main Chat
+ ccp <UserName> - Clears a players Chat
+ cchelp - Shows All Commands
+ ChatClear - Shows Version
With new Commands Come new Permissions

+ ChatClear.clear
+ ChatClear.player
+ Need to be op to see Version

This was a big update! This update made the plugin easier to use and a less complicated Config. We plan to have in the next Month Auto Chat Clear.

Things we want:

+ No badswords
+ Auto ChatClear
+ Better and easier Config
----------, Jul 19, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,861
First Release: Jul 8, 2018
Last Update: Oct 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings