So I Add this in because it would go good with a Chat Manager Plugin and I will be updating this plugin into a Chat Manager when I think its ready too be one. That is why I am updating it everyday. So Today I Add in Announce and Custom Commands. I know Chat Clear and this update is Totally Two Different Plugins but then a Similar but with me Updating this to Chat Manager plugin these work out great.
+ Announce <Name> - This add in /announce <Name> Change in config
+ cccc help - This is the Personal Help Page for you to config
+ cs <CustomCommand> - CustomCommands change in config
+ ChatClear.announce
+ ChatClear.ccccslot1
+ ChatClear.ccccslot2
+ ChatClear.ccccslot3
+ ChatClear.ccccslot4
+ ChatClear.ccccslot5
+ ChatClear.ccccslot6
or being op will give you all permissions
All Commands and Permissions are in the Config
Coming Soon:
Auto Clear Chat
More Advanced Config
Remove the cs From Custom Commands
add Anti Bad Word
Auto Announcer
Admin StaffChat
I might make update daily!
So away's be ready
if there is any Problems Please tell me on Discuss on the Spigot or Discord Page!
Discord link!