CharacterCards is heavily inspired by ICCards, originally developed by r0m3x/Explode in May of 2017.
Description: CharacterCards is a simple plugin that adds character cards to your server. Character cards are designed for RPG servers. They provide an easy way for players to get an overview of another player's character, as well as allowing them to set an overview for their own character.
Character cards are purely aesthetic and do not have in-game effects.
Supported Languages: Romanian - Translated by SynOfficial
Brazilian Portuguese - Translated by RuffNeck
Français - Translated by Maddude174
Interested in translating CharacterCards? Make a post
here with the title [LANG] and I will integrate it into the plugin. You can of course make your own language file locally and it should work. If you do this make sure you follow the spacing and formatting!
Usage: Character cards can be viewed via the command below, or by right clicking a player with a piece of paper or by shift right clicking a player with nothing in your hand.
Example Card:
Commands: [ ] = Required { } = Optional /char name [first name] {last name} {title} - Sets the name of your character
/char gender [male/female/other] - Sets the gender of your character
/char age [age] - Sets the age of your character
/char desc [description] - Adds a brief description of your character
/char desc add [description] - Adds text to an existing description
/char desc clear - Clears the card's description
/char view {playername} - View another player's character card
/char delete {playername} - Delete a player's character card (Admins only)
/charactercards reload - Reloads the config.yml file
/uuid {playername} - Get the UUID of a player (This may be helpful as character cards are stored based on UUIDs)
Permissions: CharacterCards.reload - Gives permission for /charactercards reload
CharacterCards.admin.delete - Gives permission for /char delete
Hooks: Towny - If a player belongs to a Town or Nation it will be added in their character card Mythical Races - Adds a player's race to their character card Konquest - Adds a player's Kingdom to their character card Magic - Adds a player's progression path to their character card
TO-DO: - Add additional fields to character cardsDone! - Add ability to make custom fields with placeholdersDone! - Make it so fields can be toggled in the config to allow for custom character cardsDone! - Make /char view work with offline playersDone! - Towny integrationDone!
Code (Text):
# ========================================
# | CharacterCards by ShermansWorld |
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# Report bugs at
config-version: 8
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# Interested in translating CharacterCards into another language?
# Make a post in, include "[LANG]" in the title!
# You can also create a new language file locally and it will most likely work. Make sure to follow the spacing and general format!
lang: "enUS"
# Possible languages: "enUS" for English (United States), "ro" for Romanian, "ptBR" for Brazilian Portuguese
# Changing languages requires a server restart
# =====================================
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# Settings for what players can input into their character cards
# Character cards are for enhancing the RPG experience and are purely aesthetic
MinAge: 14
# The minimum age a player can make their character
MaxAge: 120
# The maximum age a player can make their character
DescCharLimit: 512
# Defines how long a player's description can be. Default is 512 or 2 full chat messages
label: '&3Balance'
placeholder: '&b%vault_eco_balance_formatted%'
# You can now define as many custom fields as you want ro be added to the character cards. Number them starting with "1:"
# To clear all custom fields replace this section with "CustomFields: []"
# These custom fields are DEPENDENT on PlaceholderAPI (PAPI). You must have it installed for these placeholders to work!
# To get the above placeholder to work run /papi ecloud download vault, /papi reload
IntegratePAPI: false
# If your server is running PlaceholderAPI (PAPI), then the custom fields feature will be enabled and added to the player's card
IntegrateTowny: true
# If your server is running Towny then a player's Town/Nation is added to their character card
IntegrateMythicalRaces: true
# If your server is running Mythical Races then a player's Race is added to their character card
IntegrateKonquest: true
# If your server is running Konquest then a player's Kingdom is added to their character card
IntegrateMagic: true
# If your server is running Magic plugin then a player's progression path(Beginner, Student, Apprentice, Master, etc)is added to their character card