CCTVCamera is a powerful and user-friendly plugin designed to enhance your Minecraft server with custom camera systems. With CCTVCamera, you can easily create multiple camera locations across your world and toggle players into a unique Camera Mode. Once activated, players will be automatically teleported between these custom locations at set intervals, allowing you to monitor their movement in real-time.
All available permissions
can be changed in the
config.yml file.
camera.use | Permission for the /camera command
/camera | Main command
create <id> <title> | Create cameras
delete <id> | Delete cameras
teleport <id> | Teleport to camera
toggle <player> | Toggles camera mode for player
view <id> | View a camera
list | Show all cameras
reload | Reload config
Code (YAML):
# Switch time in seconds cameraSwitchTime: 5
commandPermission: camera.use
languageFile: messages.yml
# The players gamemode when he's in the Camera mode cameraModeGamemode: SPECTATOR
playerHead: # Players will get this player head equiped if they are in the camera mdde. displayname: <gold><b><u>Camera
# Base64 value of heads texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTQ0MjJhODJjODk5YTljMTQ1NDM4NGQzMmNjNTRjNGFlN2ExYzRkNzI0MzBlNmU0NDZkNTNiOGIzODVlMzMwIn19fQ==
Code (YAML):
created: <green>You created a camera with the id
%id% existing: <red>Camera
%id% is already existing. notExisting: <red>Camera
%id% is not existing. deleted: <green>You deleted the camera with the id
%id% teleported: <green>You have been teleported to the camera
%id% toggleOn: <green>The camera mode is now activated for
%player% toggleOff: <green>The camera mode is now deactivated for
%player% listFormat: '<gray>
%id%<gray>] %world%(X: %x%, Y: %y%, Z: %z%), Title: %title%' listEmpty: <red>There are
no cameras yet.
viewModeToggledOn: <green>You are now viewing the camera
%id%. Sneak to leave viewing. viewModeToggledOff: <red>You left viewing the camera
%id% command:
noPermission: <red>You don't have permission!
reload: <green>Reloaded config.
invalidId: <red>The id must be a positive number.
playerOffline: <red>This player is offline.
invalidTitleFormat: <red>The title must be in MiniMessage format.
help: - ' '
- <green>/camera create <id> <title> <gray>| Create cameras
- <green>/camera delete <id> <gray>| Delete cameras
- <green>/camera teleport <id> <gray>| Teleport to camera
- <green>/camera toggle <player> <gray>| Toggles camera mode for player
- <green>/camera view <id> <gray>| View a camera
- <green>/camera list <gray>| Show
all cameras
- <green>/camera reload <gray>| Reload config
- ' '