Step 1.
Add an API dependency to your plugin.
release and add local dependency
Code (Text):
<version>1.1</version> <!-- Change version on what you need -->
<systemPath>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/CbeJlPotionsAPI-1.1.jar</systemPath> <!-- Change path on what you need -->
Step 2.
Create class which
Code (Text):
implementation and implement all abstract methods.
Step 3.
After create your own effect type, simply register the type using the
Code (Text):
CustomEffectManager.registerPotionEffectType(CustomPotionEffectType type)
If you want to get a potion item with your custom effect, you can call the
Code (Text):
CustomEffectManager.getPotion(org.bukkit.NamespacedKey, CustomEffectProperties properties)
If you want to get a tipped arrow with your custom effect, you can call the
Code (Text):
CustomEffectManager.getTippedArrow(org.bukkit.NamespacedKey, CustomEffectProperties properties)
Step 4. PROFIT!