[Cartographer2] [Addon] WayPoints icon

[Cartographer2] [Addon] WayPoints -----

Create waypoints

Addon to Cartographer2.

• Install:
1) Drag and drop WayPoints.jar to Cartographer2/modules.
2) Reload the server or load module with command (/cartographer module load WayPoints)
3) Reload the server or reload module

• How does it work?
There are 2 types of points - local and global.
Global will be seen by everyone when local only to players who created them.
Global points has a bunch of different icons ( MapCursor Type)
Also, plugin can display the distance to every point in blocks.

1) The longer name of the point is, the smaller its size on the map will be.
2) You can configure the amount of available points for each group.

• Commands:
Player command:

waypoints.user -
access to base commands
waypoints.extended - give access to different icons (MapCursor Type)

/wp hide - Hide points.
/wp create <name> [type] - Create point.
/wp delete <name> - Remove point.
/wp list - Points list.

Admin Command:
permission: waypoints.admin

/wp global create <name> [type]
- Create global point.
/wp global delete <name> - Remove global point.
/wp global list - Points list.

For reload plugin use: /cartographer module reload WayPoints

• Overview
Снимок экрана 2020-01-12 в 23.39.37.png

If you found any bugs or issues contact me via Discord or PM.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,680
First Release: Jan 12, 2020
Last Update: Oct 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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