Cartographer 2 | 1.8.9 - 1.21 |  The best minimap plugin for bukkit icon

Cartographer 2 | 1.8.9 - 1.21 | The best minimap plugin for bukkit -----

Fast and powerful minimaps - Extreme customization included!

1.15.1 support and modular system implementation!
This update adds 1.15 support!

New features:
  • 1.15 support
  • Auto map update
  • Module system
  • Bugfixes
I've also added an option called "auto-update" in the config, which allows your maps to update once and only once, so if you want to show the original map without having things update then you can disable this in the config. You may have to delete your old map config to allow this option to show up.

I have also fixed the issue where the map doesn't properly update, or when the chunks don't save correctly after server restart.

There have been a large amount of developer additions, particularly the module system, where you can now install modules which belong in the /plugins/Cartographer2/modules/[\icode] folder. I will be updating the wiki in the future to show exactly how to make a module and what you can do with it. ;) This will allow me and other people to support other plugins much more easily.
----------, Dec 22, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,311
First Release: Sep 16, 2017
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
43 ratings
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