This update is only for 1.13.2 users at the moment!! Please delete your "/plugins/Cartographer2/" folder before using this update!
I have (hopefully) completely fixed the rendering system and it should now load and save chunks as fast as possible without lowering the server TPS by much. I have also fixed the actual renderer, making it possible to support an infinite amount of players with 1 data value. This version should also work in java versions after j8u171. The map will now properly update with block breaking/placing and whenever chunks load.
In order to get started, first create a new map with the command "/cartographer create <id>" which will create a new map with the given id. Then, right clicking on a filled map should convert it into a minimap. If you notice any bugs, or would like me to implement specific features in a certain way, please pm me and I'll see if I can accommodate your request.
Note that this is still a beta version, so it may be lacking some basic features and functionality. Thanks for keeping with me.