Cartographer 2 | 1.8.9 - 1.21 |  The best minimap plugin for bukkit icon

Cartographer 2 | 1.8.9 - 1.21 | The best minimap plugin for bukkit -----

Fast and powerful minimaps - Extreme customization included!

Zoom Management and Bugfixes
Yet another slightly minor update, sorry if I didn't get around to doing everything. I will do the rest when I have more time. This update should contain enough to keep you on your toes though!

Each map will have an option to control the zooming amount! You can also control what zoom option( ZOOM_IN, ZOOM_OUT, NOTHING ) left or right clicking does in the main config! Also, I have fixed the RegionManager so it now properly displays the shading!
----------, Jan 28, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,311
First Release: Sep 16, 2017
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
43 ratings
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