global: - md_5
# This only will work if LuckPerms is installed. whitelist_groups:
global: - owner
global: false
whitelist_clear_players: '&7You have cleared
all players from &a
%server%&7 whitelist.' whitelist_clear_groups: '&7You have cleared
all groups from &a
%server%&7 whitelist.' server_not_exist: '&7The server &a
%server%&7 does not exist.' use_clear: '&7Correct use
: /whitelist clear <server_name> <groups/players>'
command_not_exists: '&cThe command you specified does not exist.'
not_permissions: '&cYou don''t have permission to execute this command.'
server_connect_kick: - '&cThe whitelist is enabled on this server, and you are not on it.'
pre_login_kick: - '&c&lWhitelist is enabled'
- ''
- '&7You don''t have permission to enter the server at this moment.'
- ''
- '&7Please follow up on our social media for updates'
- '&bTwitter: @SomeCoolServerTwitter'
use_remove: '&7Correct use
: /whitelist remove <player> <-optional
: global
): server_name>'
remove_not_on_whitelist: '&a
%player%&7 is not present on the &a%server% &7whitelist.' remove: '&7The player &a
%player% &7was eliminated from the &a%server%&7 whitelist successfully.' use_add: '&7Correct use
: /whitelist add <player> <-optional
: global
): server_name>'
add_already_on_whitelist: '&a
%player%&7 is already on the &a%server% &7whitelist.' add: '&7The player &a
%player% &7was added to the &a%server%&7 whitelist successfully.' use_off: '&7Correct use
: /whitelist off <-optional
: global
): server_name>'
off_already: '&7The whitelist on server &a
%server%&7 is already deactivated.' whitelist_off: '&7The whitelist for server &a
%server%&7 was successfully deactivated.' use_on: '&7Correct use
: /whitelist on <-optional
: global
): server_name>'
on_already: '&7The whitelist on server &a
%server%&7 is already active.' whitelist_on: '&7The whitelist for server &a
%server%&7 was successfully activated.' list_whitelist: '&aWhitelist:'
list_players: ' &7- &aPlayers:'
list_groups: ' &7- &aGroups:'
list_player: '&7 +
%luckperms_prefix%%luckperms_suffix%%player%' on_status: '&aActive'
off_status: '&cInactive'
luckperms_is_not_installed: '&cLuckPerms is not installed on this server. This command is disabled.'
luckperms_group_not_exists: '&c
%luckperms_group% group does not exists. Please verify which groups are available with /lpb grouplist' use_group_add: '&7Correct use
: /whitelist add-group <group_name> <-optional
: global
): server_name>'
group_add: '&7The group &a
%luckperms_group% &7was added to the &a%server%&7 whitelist successfully.' group_add_already_on_whitelist: '&a
%luckperms_group%&7 is already on the &a%server% &7whitelist.' use_group_remove: '&7Correct use
: /whitelist remove-group <group_name> <-optional
: global
): server_name>'
group_remove: '&7The group &a
%luckperms_group% &7was eliminated from the &a%server%&7 whitelist successfully.' group_remove_not_on_whitelist: '&a
%luckperms_group%&7 is not present on the &a%server% &7whitelist.' reload: "&7Configuration files were successfully reloaded." help: - '&aBungeeList commands:'
- ' &a- /whitelist add <player_name> <-optional(default: global
): server_name>'
- ' &a+ &7&oAdd players to the whitelist. If you don''t specify a server, you''ll
add it to the global whitelist.'
- ' &a- /whitelist remove <player_name> <-optional(default: global
): server_name>'
- ' &a+ &7&oRemove players from the whitelist. If you don''t specify a server,
you''ll remove it from the global whitelist.'
- ' &a- /whitelist add-group <group_name> <-optional(default: global
): server_name>'
- ' &a+ &7&oAdd groups to the whitelist. If you don''t specify a server, you''ll
add it to the global whitelist.'
- ' &a- /whitelist remove-group <group_name> <-optional(default: global
): server_name>'
- ' &a+ &7&oRemove groups from the whitelist. If you don''t specify a server,
you''ll remove it from the global whitelist.'
- ' &a- /whitelist on <-optional(default: global
): server_name>'
- ' &a+ &7&oTurn on the whitelist. If you don''t specify a server, you''ll turn
on the global whitelist.'
- ' &a- /whitelist off <-optional(default: global
): server_name>'
- ' &a+ &7&oTurn off the whitelist. If you don''t specify a server, you''ll
turn off the global whitelist.'
- ' &a- /whitelist clear <server_name> <groups/players>'
- ' &a+ &7&oClear
all players or groups from a specific server.'
- ' &a- /whitelist list'
- ' &a+ &7&oSee
all the current whitelist information for
all servers.'
- ' &a- /whitelist help'
- ' &a+ &7&oIt shows you the information you''re currently watching :
- ' &a- /whitelist reload'
- ' &a+ &7&oReload your configuration files.'