# BungeeRestart - Restart Your BungeeCord Server with Countdown
BungeeRestart i
s a simple yet powerful plugin for BungeeCord that allows server admins to restart the server with a customizable countdown. It reduces chat spam by sending interval-based messages and provides full control over the server restart, both from in-game and the console.
### Features:
Server restart with countdown: Run the command `/bgr restart <seconds>` to start a countdown, announcing the time left to all players before the server restarts.
Custom messages: Configure the restart message in `config.yml`, including color codes with `&` to make the announcements stand out.
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Interval-based messages**: The plugin avoids chat spam by sending countdown messages only at specific intervals, with detailed countdown in the final seconds.
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Console support**: Execute the restart command from both in-game and the server console.
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Configurable permissions**: Only users with the `bungeerestart.admin` permission can execute the restart command.
Commands and Permissions:
Main command:
- `/bgr restart <seconds>` - Starts a countdown and restarts the server when the time runs out.
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- `
`: Allows execution of the restart command. You can set up this permission with your permission management system, such as LuckPerms.
The `config.yml` file allows you to customize the restart messages and colors. Here's the default configuration:
Code (YAML):
# BungeeRestart plugin message configuration messages:
prefix: "&a[BungeeRestart]&f" restart_message: "%prefix% &eThe server will restart in &c%time_second%" permission_message: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command." restart_completed: "&aThe server is restarting now." no_console: "&cThis command cannot be run from the console."
Key Points:
- **Features** are clearly explained to attract users looking for easy server restart management.
- **Commands and Permissions** are outlined so users know how to use the plugin.
- **Configuration** details are provided so users can customize messages.
- The **Installation Instructions** are simple and easy to follow.
- Compatibility and support sections are added to assure users about the plugin's reliability.
Feel free to adjust any details before publishing! This description should make your plugin more attractive and easy to understand for a global audience.