BukkitPixelmonPlaceholders icon

BukkitPixelmonPlaceholders -----

This plugin integrates the mod Pixelmon (reforged) with the plugin PlaceholderAPI, so you will be ab



This plugin integrates the mod Pixelmon (reforged) with the plugin PlaceholderAPI, so you will be able to use Pixelmon Placeholders on most plugins!


This plugin requires:
- EverNifeCore
- PlaceholderAPI




[Player Info]

- Generic

- %pixelmon_party_size_all% - Gets the number of Pokemons (couting eggs as well) In a player's party
- %pixelmon_party_size_ableonly% - Gets the number of Pokemons (only Able Pokemons) In a player's party
- %pixelmon_party_size_eggonly% - Gets the number of Pokemon Eggs In a player's party
- %pixelmon_party_size_pokemononly% - Gets the number of Pokemons (ignoring eggs) In a player's party
... [Check the full list here: https://github.com/EverNife/BukkitPixelmonPlaceholders]

[Party Info] - Change 1 to whatever party slot you want to display Information on:

- Generic
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_exp% - Gets the pokemon's exp in the given slot
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_exp_to_level_up% - Gets the pokemon's exp to next level in the given slot
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_name% - Gets the pokemon's name in the given slot
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_display_name% - Gets the pokemon's display name in the given slot
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_species% - Gets the pokemon's species
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_level% - Gets the pokemon's level in the given slot
... [Check the full list here: https://github.com/EverNife/BukkitPixelmonPlaceholders]

- EVS Stats
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_ev_total% - Gets the pokemon's evs total value
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_ev_total_max% - Gets the pokemon's evs max value
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_ev_percentage% - Gets the pokemon's Percentage of Total IVs Gained
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_ev_attack% - Gets the pokemon's attack ev stat in the given slot
... [Check the full list here: https://github.com/EverNife/BukkitPixelmonPlaceholders]

- IVS Stats
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_iv_total% - Gets the pokemon's ivs total value
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_iv_total_max% - Gets the pokemon's ivs max value
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_iv_percentage% - Gets the pokemon's Percentage of Total IVs Gained
- %pixelmon_party_slot_1_iv_attack% - Gets the pokemon's attack iv stat in the given slot
... [Check the full list here: https://github.com/EverNife/BukkitPixelmonPlaceholders]

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,213
First Release: Sep 10, 2022
Last Update: Dec 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings